Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Blog Neglect...

Call the blog protective services...if anyone is even still reading this.  I'm afraid my blog is going the way of the dinosaur.  Which is a real shame because from time to time I have thoughts and stories I'd like to share...that so many are just clamoring to read I'm sure.  Instagram has taken over and is so much faster than sitting down and trying to compose a blog post while my two girls take turns interrupting me and  asking for chocolate milk, or food, or a hug - you know, vital mom stuff. 

But here I am anyway. 

Things that have made me laugh lately:

Ava telling me yesterday that she has lots of boyfriends at school I didn't know about last year.  I asked her if they knew they were her boyfriend.  She gave me a withering you-are-so-dumb look, worthy of Antoine Dodson and then replied, "No!  I always keep that a secret."  Haha!  I told her I thought she needed to focus on learning at school because boys will always be around and she can't date until she finishes college anyway and she then gave me a cold look and said, "It's my private life mom!"  Okay.  I guess I'll just leave her to her seven year-old private life then.  But when she's eight I'm definitely butting back in. 

Brielle bossing me around.  If I do something that displeases my little cha-cha she says in a stern voice, "Don't do that again, mom!"  One thing that doesn't have me laughing is her sleeping with us every other night.  I'll hear her little foot steps running down the hall and roll over and reach my arms down to her.  I love her so much and I really like to snuggle with her, but for the life of me I just can't sleep when someone is touching me and she's like velcro on my back the whole night.  What did make me smile is one night after she climbed in, I started to drift back to sleep with her little body curled up next to mind and right before I closed my eyes she said, "Love you, mom."  I'd become more aware and tell her I loved her too and then started to try to fall asleep again.  We repeated this scenario four or five times before she finally fell asleep and I could too. 

A couple of nights ago Brig and I were sitting on the bed talking after he got home from work.  The girls came in and got on the bed too.  Brig started tickling Ava and putting her in wrestling moves.  Brielle was unaware they were just playing and so she stuck her sharp nails on Brig's forearm and squeezed and said, "Don't do that, Daddy.  She my big sister!"  It was the sweetest thing ever. 

This little gem that came on t.v. late one night when I was waiting for my pants to finish washing so I could throw them in the dryer.  I couldn't believe it was real.  You know perfect pet polly looks just like a real bird except for the robotic head movement and extremely repetitive chirping.  Oh man.  It makes me laugh watching it again.  Weirdos everywhere were reaching for their wallets. 

In the same vein, this infomercial makes me giggle everytime.  I LOVE the guy's overacting when he's trying to groom without the micro trimmer.  Who's dumb enough to take full sized scissors to their nose hair forest?  I know I like my guy groomed to the max!  Do you? 

Well, I have Brielle begging me for 2nd lunch so I better run along.  See you in another couple of months!