Sunday, December 28, 2008

A Farewell to an Old Friend

This post is to say a bittersweet farewell to an old friend of mine. This friend has been with me for as long as I can remember. We became pretty chummy during my teen years and have been progressively closer each year. We have a pretty dysfunctional relationship. I feel like I just have to have this friend close when I am stressed or when I am feeling low or even when I am feeling rather happy. It's become a bit of an obsession really. I'm just going to say it. I'm going to out my friend by name...Coca-Cola. You know I love you. Too much. So much so that today I haven't had any of you and it feels like a vice is clenching down on my head. That my friend is just unhealty. Plus you make me bloated and you have a nasty habit of yellowing my smile.

Listen, maybe if you cut out all the sugar and caffeine and carbonation but I'm afraid that's why I'm so enamoured with you and if you lost all those things we wouldn't be friends anymore. So it's time to let you go. I've decided to get in touch with an old friend. One I don't mind so much and one that has never treated me wrong...Water. And listen I've appreciated you when we've gotten together for dinner with friends or when my daughter is driving me crazy but I really resent the way you make my stomach look like I'm a few months pregnant...when I'm not.

And everybody knows that skinny gals drink diet anyway. The proof is in the pics. Just like my husband's dream girl, Kate Beckinsale. Although I'm not planning on starting on Diet Coke any time soon. One vice for another? No thanks. Here's to many years together. And here's to the years it may take me to get my body back from the high fructose corn syrup that has invaded my body through you. FAREWELL!


Jill said...

really? are you sure you won't reunite after a month or two? :) I have to applaud you. I don't know if I could say goodbye forever. I raise my can to you, good job Coop!

Denise said...

Raise your can to me! Lol, Jill. We'll see how it goes...

Denise said...

Four days. That's the length of my will power. Time to regroup.