Thursday, August 9, 2012

Weight Loss Wednesday

I'm happy to report nary a drop of Coke has passed my lips since we last spoke.  Except for Diet Coke, which I've had a couple of times, but not everyday and not in the quantities I was drinking the hard stuff. 

My stomach feels a lot better without all the soda.  Which shouldn't be such a surprise, really.  I feel better about myself as well that I don't have to be dependent on something.  Right now I'm focusing on changing my eating habits.  I haven't gotten on the scale as I don't want to be discouraged by a number.  What's important is for me to make permanent changes in the way that I eat. 

It's so hot outside I wouldn't be surprised if I lost weight just from sweating.  Yesterday Ava wanted to go to a nearby park.  It's only a few blocks away.  But it was 2:30 and the temperatures were soaring.  We put Brielle in the stroller and we walked to the park.  We spent about ten minutes there before Ava wanted to go home because she was too hot and thirsty.  I can't wait for Fall. 

I don't really have much else to say. 

Oh, except to say that Whole Foods smells like a granola's armpit.  I don't know what that's about, but every time I walk into that place the freaky nutty smell is permeating every inch of that place.  It's interesting, to say the least. 


Melissa said...

Yeah. Don't become dependent on the diet poison either, whatever you do.:)

Jill said...

good for you! coke does nothing for you. you are amazing!