Wednesday, July 23, 2014

"A woman's strength isn't just about how much she can handle before she breaks.  It's also about how much she must handle after she's broken."

My marriage is over.  I'm doing my best to handle things.  I pray a dozen times a day for strength, for healing, for wisdom.  I cry in the shower, and in the car after a job interview, or late at night when my girls won't see me.  I hurt.  I hope.  I try to believe it when people tell me that I'll be happy again.  I take comfort in the love of my friends and family.  I thank my Heavenly Father for the parents I was fortunate enough to be born to, for them giving me a soft place to fall, a shoulder to cry on and encouragement when things look bleak.  I falter when we sing Love At Home, because it's such a beautiful that I couldn't breathe life into even though I tried.

And now I move forward...wherever that may lead.


kathy said...

I am so sorry. And for what it's worth, I have been known to walk out of sacrament meeting when Love At Home was sung. It simply doesn't ring true for all of us. Good luck, Denise. I hope you and your beautiful girls will find your way.

Matt Payne said...
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