Monday, July 20, 2009

Living in the City Can be Demanding

Well I'd love to post some pictures of what Ava and I have been doing while we've been settling into city living but through an unfortunate accident my computer screen is dead. Well, not dead, but sick. So I am blogging from my husband's Mac and can't seem to get my pictures from my camera to this computer. The last time I used a Mac, they were called Macintosh Apples and I was in first grade.

First of all I really love the neighborhood we are in. The old houses are beautiful and the gardens are lovely. This area reminds me of the area around the Logan Temple.

Secondly I've been honked at more times driving here than all the times combined in Cache Valley. These people are out for blood. Admittedly driving in the city is something new for me. I wish I could put a sign in the window that reads Hick Driver in Training but then I'd be getting hassled more than I already am.

Places we've been since moving here: IKEA, West Valley City *shudder*, Liberty Park, Barbacoa, and the piece de resistance: The Salt Lake City Public Library. I could live at the library. It's wonderful. The glass elevators really freak me out though and I'm not sure the speed at which they move is really necessary. I keep picturing my leg or half of Ava's body stuck in the doors because of the speed at which those elevator doors close and shoot you up. I wanted to pin a medal on a couple of mothers and their strollers for daring to maneuver those strollers in there and not worrying about getting smashed in the doors. The underground parking is also kind of creepy. Please, if anybody goes there regularly tell me if the parking is safe. Is there anywhere else I can park? All my city violence paranoid fantasies start breathing down my neck when Ava and I had to ascend the stairs to get to the ground level.

Liberty Park is a blast and Ava has wanted to go every day since we've been here. Last week we were on vacation and Brig was left here to fend for himself. He rode his bike to Liberty Park and said there was a man sun bathing in a thong in a folding chair. Sweet. I was sorry I missed that!

When I figure out this computer I will post some of the pics I took around town.


Jill said...

that's funny the elevator is fast I wonder why that is. I'm sure that made Brig's day to see that guy. he he.
I was trying to count how many places you've lived I came up with 6 but I swear I'm missing your first place. You did't live in the one on 10 N. the first year you were married did you?

Denise said...

Yeah and even funnier about the guy in the thong is I asked Brig if the guy was in good shape. And he said, "I don't know." And I told him he was being a stupid boy who pretended not to notice other male's attractiveness and he said, "Really I couldn't tell." And I asked, well did he have nice abs or what? And he said, "He was laying on his stomach." EEEWWWWW! Even worse.

Let's see I was thinking about this the other night. In the seven years we've been married we've lived in Wellsville with the creepy grandparents living above us, 10th, the island, the trailer, the apartment above Smith's, the in-laws basement and finally here in SLC. 7. Seven different places in 7 years. What can I say? Things get stale quickly for me.

The Huffakers said...

I love flight of the conchords. Have you ever heard their "business time". Its a good one, listen to it with Brig and no kiddies.