Friday, September 25, 2009

Proof that I'm Dying

Please excuse the pictures of myself.  I was having a good hair day and was on my way to a birthday party and well, I haven't posted a picture of myself in many moons, so I figured it was due.  So here I am taking pictures of myself thinking about how my facebook profile picture has been the same since I opened my account on there.  It's tempting to apologize for my imperfections I see in the pictures, but I won't because that would be tedious for you and you'd have to feel like you needed to compliment me to make me feel better about myself.  What I will point out though is this...............................................
WORK! Now turn to the left.  WORK! Now turn to the right. Name that tune, aye?

.......You know life is going along and you really feel for the most part like you're still 17 years old.  I mean sure the mirror, my bread dough stomach, and the nearly 4 year old child that follows me around everywhere tells me otherwise but deep down I still feel like I'm in high school.  I'm young.  I'm invincible.  I'm never going to die...WAAAAAA?!  September 24, 2009.  A day that will live on in infamy.  The day I spied a pure white hair sprouting from my head.  And it hit me.  I'm dying! 

I quickly plucked out that little sign of my mortality and photographed it for posterity...and you all.  I mean snow white.  Like that character off of X-Men after she's been put through the ringer by Magneto.  I was trying to think back to what could have possibly made my body produce a single white hair.  What kind of stressful situation can bring that on?  Hmmm I wonder?

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Adding another Smith to the Family

So Brig's little brother Brice, got married last weekend.  Here are some photos.  I know, shocking.  I love the one of Ava and Brig.  There's something about seeing your husband with your daughter that makes your heart melt.  I love listening to these two talk in another room, it makes me so happy.  Brigham is many things, but most of all a wonderful father.  He has far more patience than I do, with Ava and with me.  Ava's excited to have two Aunt Kims in the family now!  She also couldn't stop hugging Kim.  I think it was the beautiful princess dress because Ava is usually shy even with Aunts and Uncles.  Next up - Brig's other little brother, Vance and his beautiful fiance, Valeree. 

Sunday, September 20, 2009

A Popcorn Kernel Up the Nose

Trauma of traumas my little girl is certainly a curious and precocious child. We popped popcorn tonight. Not the big bags, but the small snack size. The kind that you have to basically have psychic powers or at the very least X-Ray vision to see into the bag and divine whether or not the popcorn is at it's height of popcorn deliciousness. I stand next to the microwave worrying about the cancer it might me causing me by standing this close and counting in my head between popping kernel sounds One...One One...One One Thousan.... The science of not over cooking those bags is a fine art. Why the popcorn makers can't figure out an exact time for the small bags is beyond me. But all that's besides the point.

I had a premonition I must admit as I looked at a popcorn kernel sitting in it's unfulfilled glory atop one of the fluffy popcorn in my daughter's bowl. I distinctly remember thinking I hope she doesn't try to taste that. It could burn her mouth or she could choke on it. Of course being me means any number of these thoughts on a variety of potential calamities flit through my mind hundreds of times a day. I'm sure there is a clinical term for what this is but I haven't gone to see a shrink just yet.

Who would have guessed that that blasted kernel, or one of it's deficient siblings would make it's dastardly presence known not in my daughter's mouth, but up her nostril? Certainly not me and I'll tell you what my exact thought was when she turned and looked up at me and said in a small scared voice, "Mom, I put a seed up my nose and now it's stuck," first thought was You got this from your father's side. You can imagine the tailspin my wild paranoid thoughts went into when I confirmed that a golden kernel had indeed found it's way up my baby's nose. Images of cornstalks growing out my daughter's nose filled my head. I imagined how she' be called The Corn Girl of Michigan Avenue and people would come near and far to gape. "'ve come to stare at the beast have you?"

When I was gestating this little child inside of myself my biggest hope for her was that she would inherit good genes from both sides of the family. My mantra almost daily was, "Don't let her get my feet or my nose...don't let her get my feet or my nose...." For those of you who have seen my feet, well I won't dwell on God's unkindness, but let's just say my toes are of the short and stout variety and none of them like to take the lead role. Which makes them, to put it bluntly - square. Fine. I can tuck them away in my wide width shoes and shield them from the glare of prying eyes. But my nose....

Why couldn't I have been born with smaller nostrils? A petite probuscis? Turns out my ancestors had proud noses. Noses that could win races in a photo finish. Who am I to turn up my snout at their genetically well endowed gift of a nose? I may not go out and get a nose job, but it doesn't mean I have to like it. The ironic thing in all this is the first time I laid eyes on my daughter I knew that she had my nose, or the beginnings of my nose. And as I counted her ten fingers and ten toes I also knew she had gotten my feet as well. C'est la vie. I loved her all the more for it.

Turns out in the end her bigger nostrils had an advantage. It made it easier for my husband to pull the kernel out with a pair of tweezers with only a few tears shed. I'm going to write this down in a book I keep for her, so she can be proud of her nose...along with how she told me last week that she had magma in her eye when she really meant schmegma!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Karma and Hair Gel

Time is a good teacher.  Over the course of the last couple of years I have learned a lot from a little thing called Karma.  Or what goes around comes around.  I've never claimed to be perfect.  I'm so not.  But I am human, and like most humans I observe those around me and I make judgments.  It's not for me to judge anyone.  I know that. 

There are many examples of situations that I made judgment calls on and then had to live through the same experience as that person I had judged.  One that comes to mind sprang from my six year stint working retail. 

As many of you know I worked for Lowe's for six stinkin' years.  In that time period I came into contact with a variety of different people.  A lesbian vegan from Oregon, a gay Mormon boy from Logan, a Southern woman that grew up in poverty and neglect, a physically abused alcoholic woman, and many, many, seemingly "normal" people.  What I learned most from working there was that people are more alike than they are different.  I became friends with most of the above mentioned people.  Everyone of them was God's child and everyone of them had a unique story that shaped who they had become.

One particular woman was a challenge for me to get along with.  And I pride myself on being able to get along with people.  It wasn't that she was abrasive or difficult.  In fact she was quite congenial.  Very outgoing and vivacious.  She was one of those that loved to talk.  And talk.  And talk.  And talk.  She was a single mother of three.  Her ex was a drug addict.  She often railed at the LDS church for how she felt that it's followers treated her.  She also had naturally curly hair. 

One day another co-worker of mine was talking about how this particular woman needed a makeover badly.  I very ungenerously agreed.  (Like I'm the fashion maven).  We began talking about how her hair was frizzy and needed a bit of taming.  So it would look good like mine, the co-worker complimented me.  She suggested I talk to this woman about what type of product I use on my hair.  We worked out a pre-planned conversation that we'd bring up in the break room while she was on her break and I'd "advise" her on how to do her hair.  I know.  I was a jerk. So we went through with our plan.  She told me she just used a drugstore hair product.  I scoffed and told her those don't work for me and I have to buy one from the salon to get my hair to look good.  She didn't say much.  I'm sure she wanted to slap me in my smug face. 

This same lady was the first to come and see me from work after Ava was born.  She brought gifts and oohed and awed over my baby.  I've never felt so low in my life as when she came and visited me and I had thought so many negative things about her in the past.

Here we are in Salt Lake City.  Rent is enormous and Brigham's salary is modest.  This leaves very little left over for luxuries.  The day I went to ShopKo and bought a drugstore gel reminded me of this woman who until the very last day I worked at Lowe's made a fuss over Ava and never said a mean word to me.  And now I see.  Karma loves me. 

No one wants to be judged on how they appear to the outside world.  The real story is on the inside of a person.  There is a member in our ward who comes occasionally.  I don't know her story, but it is obvious to everyone that she is seriously ill battling Anorexia.  In the past I have thought that Anorexic women are obsessed with themselves and need to get over it.  You know what though.  That woman is not that different than I am.  I've struggled with my weight my entire life.  Very few women escape body image issues.  To fill the hurts from my past I eat food in excess.  To fill hurts in her past she abstains from food almost entirely.  It's just another face to the same coin.  I wanted to walk over to this woman and put my arms around her.  I wanted to tell her she is beautiful.  I want to weep for her. 

These days I hesitate to judge those around me.  Of course I still do it.  But before I get too carried away with my self-righteousness I think about what they may have experienced in their lives.  People have bad childhoods.  People have bad marriages.  People have mental illness.  People have little money.  But we're all people.  People trying to make the hurt go away.  People who need love.  People who need friendship.  Very few of us can say we've ever gained anything beneficial from other people's judgments.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Laughing My Brain Squeezer Off!

Alright.  I'm bored.  It's Labor Day and all I've been doing is labor.  Laundry, bathing a West Yellowstone dirt encrusted child, baking bread, doing dishes, etc, etc, etc....  So I decided to keep this post short and sweet! SHOCKER.  If you've followed any of my links you'll be familiar with Natalie Hill's blog Mormon in Manhatten.  If not, feel free to start off with this post.  Read all the comments to get the grasp of the full on Mormon Mommy rage vented at this girl.  Then read this post for the final and hilarious conclusion.  I laughed and laughed.  Come on Mormon Mommies.  We've all been guilty of the brain squeezer.  Just thought I'd give you a little Labor Day reading.  Maybe others like me who live not so close to their family and have zero friends in their new city and therefore have no one to not labor with at a Labor Day BBQ will appreciate the link hook up.  Ciao!

P.S. Yes I was in West Yellowstone this last week and no, I did not take any pictures.  Booo!  Booo!  Down with the Queen of Filth, the Queen of Slime...blah, blah, blah obvious reference to the movie classic that is The Princess Bride.