Monday, September 7, 2009

Laughing My Brain Squeezer Off!

Alright.  I'm bored.  It's Labor Day and all I've been doing is labor.  Laundry, bathing a West Yellowstone dirt encrusted child, baking bread, doing dishes, etc, etc, etc....  So I decided to keep this post short and sweet! SHOCKER.  If you've followed any of my links you'll be familiar with Natalie Hill's blog Mormon in Manhatten.  If not, feel free to start off with this post.  Read all the comments to get the grasp of the full on Mormon Mommy rage vented at this girl.  Then read this post for the final and hilarious conclusion.  I laughed and laughed.  Come on Mormon Mommies.  We've all been guilty of the brain squeezer.  Just thought I'd give you a little Labor Day reading.  Maybe others like me who live not so close to their family and have zero friends in their new city and therefore have no one to not labor with at a Labor Day BBQ will appreciate the link hook up.  Ciao!

P.S. Yes I was in West Yellowstone this last week and no, I did not take any pictures.  Booo!  Booo!  Down with the Queen of Filth, the Queen of Slime...blah, blah, blah obvious reference to the movie classic that is The Princess Bride.  


Jill said...

I had seen this post before. I have to say I think that baby looks very cute and very happy. I need to read her blog more. I forgot about her.

Becca said...

I to love her blog! Way to funny.
Can't wait till Nov.4 is Jill in?
Jill are you in?

Melissa said...

the queen of retchedness!

Becca said...

Do you read the pioneer women? Want to meet her? Nov 4?