Our ward's Primary Program was this past Sunday. For weeks we've been practicing her line, "I feel Heavenly Father's love when I pray with my family." She had it down flat. She sat in the front row of the choir seats. I have to admit that I was apprehensive about whether she'd actually stand up and say her part into the microphone, because, well she is my daughter.
I remember hiding under the bed as a child so I wouldn't have to go to the Cache Valley Mall and perform a tap routine with the rest of our class. My mom tried to talk me out from under there for a good fifteen minutes before she gave up. Much to my delight she stood right up and said her line and sounded as cute as can be. It soon became apparent that she didn't know all the words to all the songs in the program, but that didn't stop her from moving her mouth and pretending. My husband leaned over to me and whispered, "Maybe you should have tried to teach her primary songs, instead of Mamma Mia songs." True. Quite frankly it's not as fun to dance to primary songs as it is to dance to Abba songs.
Then to my definite surprise Ava decided that she'd liven up the program by dancing to the songs. It was hysterical. She also tried to follow the song leader and copied her arm movements. What I learned is that this little girl of mine is cut from a different cloth than I am. And I like it. She's sure to keep us entertained for a long, long time.