Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Love and Les Miserables

As I look back over the life that Brig and I have shared these past 7 years, one thing I know for sure is that love endures.  I bemoaned the fact a few posts ago that the passionate love we feel for one another in the beginning of a relationship soon is dampened by every day responsibilities.  I've never purported to have a perfect marriage, because I am not a perfect person and neither is my husband.  There are moments though, when I catch an expression on my husband's face that takes me back to when we were dating and my breath catches as I remember the bright light he became in such a sad, lonely time in my life.  We began dating in the Spring, and I can't smell awakening earth or feel the warm sunshine on my face every Spring without tying those sensations to Love. 

I look at this picture and think about how we were such strangers to one another.  We had love and hope in our hearts and that was enough at the time.  Brigham is a quiet person.  I've come to appreciate the quality he has to take in circumstances and process them before making a decision.  He is calm when I am manic.  He has been the cool water that has tempered my hot temper and passionate personality.  He teaches me every day about patience, especially when it comes to our daughter.  I don't often write about him here, and that is because he is such a private person.  This blog is, in fact an affront to his sensibilities.  The rule has always been that I can't talk about him.  But I'm breaking that rule today because I do love him.  And I'm amazed every day that he continues to love me even after seeing me at my lowest and most raw.  I think what still keeps us going into our eighth year, remains what we started out with; hope and love. 

And because life's hardships and the cynicism that comes with it has still failed to harden my hopelessly romantic heart I will share some of my favorite verses from Victor Hugo's masterpiece Les Miserables.  My copy is worn and marked up like a bible.  Yes, it's that good. 

"Listen to me; I am going to give you a piece of advice; Adore one another.  The philosophers say: Moderate your joys.  I say: Give them the rein.  Are we happy because we are good, or good because we are happy?  Live boldly for one another, love one another, make us die with rage that we cannot do as much.  Idolize each other.  Be a religion to each other.  Every one has his own way of worshiping God.  The best way to worship God is to love your wife.  No joy beyond these joys.  Love is the only ecstasy, everything else weeps.  

To love or to have loved, that is enough.  Ask nothing further.  There is no other pearl to be found in the dark folds of life.  To love is a consummation."  



Melissa said...

Do you know i have never read les mis... what a shame. Yet another lovely tribute to someone you love.

Amy F. said...

That was so sweet!
I love your new blog! I'm sorry we've been so out of touch. No excuse... but, moving, new baby, and life in general, but now I'm back ;).
Anyway, I loved that post. My husband is like my best friend, my love, and like a "brother" that I bicker with all in one, but it works.
I sometimes feel it is unfair to have to look back on the falling in love part because we know it can't possibly always be like that, but I think it is that foundation of love that keeps us strong through the hard times.

Jill said...

i know what you mean about strangers. I often think that- what was I thinking getting married after only knowing him for 3 mths well I guess 6, but still! Crazy. I love this post. Did you show him? you should. he's a good guy.

The Barth Family said...

How sweet! Garrett compliments me perfectly too. He is the calm, and I am the manic! Brig is a great guy, you are lucky! I miss seeing you guys around. Too bad we moved. Stupid Lowes! By the way, Garrett's car is a 1968 Plymouth Barracuda. Love your posts!