Monday, March 1, 2010

What is Lost and what is Gained

I don't really know how to begin this post.  I've debated on when and how I'd break the news.  I need this blog...and that is to say, all of you more than ever.  The good news is I'm not dying, so you can breath easier there. 

Last week I boxed up my meager earthly possessions and those of my daughter and I moved up to my parent's house.  It wasn't a decision made easily or rashly.  I've spent many hours on my knees pouring my heart out to my Father in Heaven.  The truth is my marriage hasn't been right for years.  It takes two people to make a marriage work and it takes two to make it fail.  The first thing most people wonder is what went wrong.  There are many things that went wrong, many things I could have controlled and many I couldn't control.  Out of respect for my husband I'm not discussing those things here. 

What I did want to say is that although I am at peace with my decision I mourn what was lost. You plan out this future with someone.  You picture the years rolling out before you like waves on the sea.  Then suddenly the ship is knocked off course, you drift for a time and then shipwreck on a beach.  And that's how I feel right now.  Although I have the love and support of many I feel as if I am the only survivor of a shipwreck.  I must decide what to do next, which path to go down, find a way to move forward and live.  The future that I had assumed to be mine is no more. 

Although the situation is painful for all, my greatest desire is to make it the most tolerable for my daughter.  On the car ride home the other day she said that she is sad that we don't live with Daddy anymore.  She then asked why?  How do you explain to a four year old something that is hard to understand even for yourself?  I told her that Mommy and Daddy make each other sad and that I didn't want to make Daddy sad anymore.  I told her that although Mom and Dad won't be living with each other anymore that we'll always be her Mom and Dad and that we'll always love her.  She then said something that broke my heart.  She said, "Even if I make you sad?"  I said that even if we make each other sad that she is my baby and we'll always be together no matter what. 

My greatest regret, and I have a few, is that I will never be able to give that precious gift to Ava of years of growing up seeing her mother and father love one another.  I know in this culture, dominated by idealized visions of families being together forever that many see divorce as sin, a dark mark upon the person that has made such a violent upheaval in their lives.  I know, because like so many things, I used to judge in the same manner.  A divorce where there is no physical abuse, and no infidelity is often a puzzlement to those who are on the outside looking in.  My sister-in-law asked me if I was terrified of starting over at the age of 28 with no college degree and a daughter to take care of.  I'll tell you what I told her.  I was more afraid of staying in my marriage the way it was and was more terrified of living that way for the rest of my life than I was of leaving. 

I hope I can continue on with faith and hope.  There are moments and days when I feel so stricken that I want to lay down on my bed and sleep for days or cry for days.  But there is always Ava right there with me and she needs me and I need her.  I also need who ever reads this blog of mine.  I've felt so isolated for so long and this blog has been a lifeline for me.  I don't ask for help often, but I'm asking for it now.  Please don't give up on me.  And if you remember say a little prayer for our family.  I honestly can't envision a time when laughter comes easily again or my smiles don't feel forced but there is the hope and that's what I'll hold to.

Love, Denise


The Barth Family said...

Denise...I am so sorry to hear that! I will pray for you guys! I hope things work out the best for you!

Becca said...

Can you do Lunch on Wed? My treat?

Becca said...

kid friendly! of course

Noni said...

Denice, I debated on leaving a comment. I am the last to give advice. But let me say this as one who has been shipwrecked on that same beach...You will heal...even though it seems impossible right now. For now just rest... in the arms of those who love you until you gain firm footing again. But then...then you stand up straight and tall...put one foot in front of the other and move forward. God has a plan for you. You will figure out what it is little by little. Above all...don't let the past dictate the future, use what you have learned to shape a better future. I love you Niecy...always have.

Becca said...

Who let Noni on the world wide web?

Noni said...

Zip it Becca,

I'm all kinds of web savvy. And I havn't called it that for a long time. You better chat it up while you can. I don't believe Wlanut Grove has the 'world wide web'!

Becca said...

First time I've seen Walnut spelled like that....It's a wonder I even made it past the 7th grade.
Denise-Sorry for making the saddest post in history a brawl with my mother. I'll save that for a family reunion! Call me-Do you have the same cell #?

kathy said...

I won't offer up any advice. The sad fact is simply that sometimes things don't work. Often there is no obvious catalyst. What once "was" just "isn't" any more. I've loved getting to know you through blogging, and hope that our friendship will continue. Just know that I'm out here, hoping that you will find the happiness you so richly deserve.

s&hmills said...

I'm thinking about you, and praying for you and darling Ava. I know it's sometimes hard when people tell you everything will work out and all you know is it just hurts; but I want you to know that I know it will work out the way it's supposed to. These times are always difficult, but if you need anything--- ANYTHING, you let me know.
I love you,

Kel said...

I've loved your blog and feel like I know you. As someone who has been there, I will tell you that it will get easier, but it will be bumpy. I kept a sign in my bathroom for years that said "It's better to be single than wish you were." True statement.

Jill said...

Becca and her mom crack me up.
you know that i'm here for you day or night and no matter what.
I love how Robbin said "use what you have learned to shape a better future" so I say dito to that.

Candi Merritt said...

Oh Denise! How sorry I am that you are hurting. I do want to tell you how proud I am of you for making the decision to take care of yourself and do what is best for yourself and Ava even when it isn't the easy thing to do. So often we are judged (sometimes by ourselves even) about the decisions that we make. Only you know what is best for you and there is no shame in making that decision. Hang in there and know that I care and will be thinking about you:)

angie curtis said...

I want to let you know that I am thinking about you. I want you to be happy. You are a smart, beautiful, wonderful person and things will work out.

Dawn and Chase said...

Loved being with you last night. I love you forever sis!

Kirsten said...

So this is probabally super random. and you may not even remember me. but...
I'm so sorry. Its always a wonder why things end up the way they do, and that life doesnt end up the way we invision it. Things always have a way of working themselves out even in a way we never would have imagined. I'll be thinking and praying for you and your cute little girl. Be strong.

p.s. I'm kirsten hansen. we went to school together, we were in the most ridiculous play in the 9th grade.... I caught your blog from Kathy Jones. mine's private but you can e-mail me if you want.

Ericka said...

Please know that we love you and always will no matter what. You are in our prayers and I really mean it when I say you can come stay here anytime you feel like it. You are a strong woman and I believe this trial will only make you stronger.

Katie and Co. said...

Big Hugs!!! As always, you write things so eloquently--and bravely. We're all cheering you on!

Melissa said...

I love love love you.

Megan and Jon said...

I'm still reading and need to say something, You are amazing and the sweetest person I know. Things will work out for you. Hang in there girl, Alot of people support and love you.
In the meantime I have a couple things to tell you. First this quote i love my Neal A. Maxwell.
We can say I know that God loveth his children, nevertheless, I do not know the meaning of all things. There have been and will be times in our lives when such faith is the bottom line. WE don't know what is happening to us or around us, But we know god loves us, and knowing that for the moment is enough.

Love you

Chan said...

First off Niece you know I adore you...and I wish nothing but the best for you. I agree with Noni aka Robin, I too have been shipwrecked on that beach. I too have felt oh so alone and swallowed up by the storm of my mistakes. So from someone who has been there, I understand. There are months of my life I can't even remember because I was so lost. But at the end of every storm there is a rainbow. So hang in there...I'm not a religious person but there is this Micheal Mclean song that I used to think over and over...
Stay with me just until my heart recovers, like an awkard dancer on a crowded floor, i'll learn to dance once more..but lord I need you to stay with me.

You will make it through this, these storms are what makes us strong and define who we are. One day you will be kicking your feet up on the beach.