Saturday, December 4, 2010


I have no fun pictures to share.  No amusing stories.  No big announcements.  In fact the only real thing I have to say is I am so ready for this baby girl to get here.  I forgot how absolutely uncomfortable being 9 months pregnant is.  I'm on a no picking things up off the floor strike and will remain so until this baby pops.  I know, I know.  In 2-3 weeks from now I'll be thinking about how good I had it getting at least 6 hours of sleep and being slave to only one child, instead of two.  Then again I'll be able to sleep on my stomach again.  After I gave birth to Ava the first thing I wanted was, well, let's be honest...a sandwich.  Any piece of solid sustenance was my first priority. 

The forced hunger lie in was a grueling 30 hours. To this day my mouth still waters at the thought of hospital cafeteria food because it tasted so darn delicious after a long labor.  Bring on the steamed green beans and red jello!  Add it to my bill.  I really believed I was feasting like a king.  The fact that I couldn't get more than an hour of consistent sleep with all the nurses checking my vitals, the fact that the bath water heated up to a shiver inducing tepid temperature, the fact that those lactation nurses left me in tears with their conflicting advice...Logan Regional Hospital was A OKAY in my book because they brought me food.  So yeah, a sandwich was what I wanted at the time. 

But after that, it was to lie on my stomach.  Let the countdown begin!


Melissa said...

I didn't get a tub in the hospital. Only a cold shower... burr! When is your induction date?

Becca said...

You must let me know as soon as you are up for a visitor....I will even leave Emmie at some kids club establishment somewhere, I must see that little smoochie. I hear you on the tummy sleeping....

kathy said...

Thirty hours? Holy crap! I hope you do better than that this time. Something in the 4 hour range, so you can fit it in between lunch and dinner!

Jill said...

oh I can't wait to see your baby!

angie curtis said...

I remember Melissa asked for another sandwich after she finished her first!