Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Summer Lovin'

I haven't been able to get that song from Grease out of my head for days.  As I was laying in bed last night with it repeating over and over again I started to contemplate the deeper meaning of that show.  Yes, Grease is what I choose to dissect.  Basically the message of the show is that if you want the man of your dreams to love you, you better shimmy into your skin tight body suit and put on twice as much makeup.  Then he's yours forever.  Anyway, we've been enjoying the warm up (finally!) and here's what we've been up to...

I'm enjoying the relaxing mornings now that Ava is out of preschool.  Ava likes to pick out Brielle's outfit for the day and it usually ends up matching hers in some manner. 
Swim lessons.  They weren't my favorite.  It's an indoor pool and I was definitely wearing too many layers.  I kept looking around at the other mothers trying to determine if they were sweating as much as I was.  It was a sauna in there I tell you. 
Ava on the other hand loved swimming and cried the last day of class.  She's a tender heart, my Ava. 
Playing Chop, Chop, Timber!  The teacher chops their legs while they're standing poolside and when she says timber they have to jump in.  I was proud of Ava.  By the end of the two week session she was jumping in without worrying if her head was going to go under. 
Her teacher Erika.  She was so sweet and patient with the kids.  I think Ava was only one of two children who didn't cry on a regular basis when asked to try out a new move.  She had her work cut out for her.
This past weekend we drove up to Cache Valley to help my older brother move.  Here is the girls on the front steps.  My job was to keep the girls occupied while the men did the heavy lifting.  We had a blast.  I painted all the girls toe nails and finger nails Rock Star Pink. 
Ava and Ellie played so well together.  The twins are just so adorable, even though they are everywhere and into everything at once.  I was slicing watermelon for lunch and between the two twins I found that they were eating it almost as fast as I was slicing it. 
Running through the sprinklers here at home.  We've been struggling lately finding things to fill our days.  Ava seems like she needs constant activity or else she is bored. 

I realized I have a photo of myself at this age with a swimsuit that is so similar.  I will have to try to post it later, if I can find it.

 My cheap Foster Grants had a slight accident. 
Brielle was a little fussy yesterday.  I don't know if she is struggling with her teeth coming up through her gums or what.  But you couldn't tell she was fussy from the picture.  My smiley girl.
With crazy hair, might I add.  Her expression here looks just like her Daddy's when he smiles big.  Life is pretty good.  I do miss Cache Valley like crazy...still.  I wonder if I'll always miss it.  For those of you lucky enough to reside there drink it in.


Jill said...

i'm sure you'll always miss it because it's home. :)
Ava is getting so stinkin tall! she looks 5 ft tall running through the sprinkler. (not that 5 ft is tall.;)) my sunglasses also took a hit this week.

kathy said...

Your daughters are positively edible!