Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Ava and my little nose picker

Ava's still obsessed with hanging from the pull up bar.  Today she told me she wished we could get another one in the doorway directly adjacent so she could go back and forth between them.  She's much more daring than I ever was.  I was always worried I'd end up seriously injured.  Even as a child I was anxious and neurotic.  I blame my parents.  Love you guys! :)
And then there is this one.  She's discovered her nose holes.  Every chance she gets she goes excavating.  She wasn't even picking her nose when I put the camera up to take a picture of her.  Sneaky little darling.  It's hard when they are this age to explain social niceties.  And really I have no idea where these blue eyes come from.  People comment on them all the time.  My sister Darcie has beautiful blue eyes, so there has to be someone they come down the line from. 
 Another one.
 And another one.
A random picture I found.  Look how little she is!  And she's already giving me that glare I now know so well. 
I've always had a thing for Captain America.  Brig bought this for a fellow nerd and I couldn't resist trying it on.  

Just in time for the smorgasborg of candy that will be flowing like fine wine in a week, I've decided to give The Primal Blueprint diet a serious try.  My friend Jessica lent me her copy of the book.  She had no need for it, but it's more about eating for optimal health than losing weight.  I mean losing weight is just a bi-product, or is it a by-product?  I don't know.  I get dumber by the day.  Having babies really sucks the smarts right out of you.  It's basically the paleo diet.  So this week it's been an interesting foray into the strange world of vegetables.  I've never cared for vegetables.  They taste super bitter to me.  Last night I made a stir-fry.  They're not so bad when they are disguised with an Asian taste. 

I can honestly say I like the kale I bought in a huge bag from Costco.  I'm not exaggerating.  That bag could feed a family of bunnies for a week.  It has kind of a piney taste.  I like it.  Did I mention I like it?  Well I do.  

It hasn't been as bad as I thought, and I already feel a bit more alert and energetic.  I know you are probably tired of hearing about my attempts at whittling my waistline, but I can't give up.  I have to keep trying, because the alternative is getting bigger and bigger and sacrificing quality of life for a temporary craving.  I was thinking about it last night and I thought, you know, I've ate whatever the heck I've felt like for the past ten years.  It's time to eat what my body really needs.  Not what my bottomless emotional holes scream to be filled with.  

So bear with me for another go, won't you?  Or is it bare with me?  That sounds a bit scandalous, doesn't it?  

In other news I scared the happiness right out of my eldest child two nights ago by subjecting her to Disney's The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.  I don't recall ever being frightened by that story, but then again maybe I was older than Ava when I first saw it.  She burst into tears as soon as it was over.  I took back Return to Oz, the next day.  Because if Ava can't handle an animated headless horseman then she definitely can't handle electric shock therapy, the wheelers, Princess Momba and her rotating cast of heads, or the Gnome King and his severe egg allergy.  I just thought we could have a slightly spooky Halloween, but I guess it was too soon. 


kathy said...

Gee, thanks. That's just what I needed to read right after giving in to a craving on my way home from the dry cleaners, and devouring a Big Mac and large fries. Here's hoping you do better than me in the land of diets.

Chan said...

Hey darling I have the primal blueprint cookbook if you would like to borrow it

Denise said...

Hey Chan, I would love that! Email me and we can set up a time for me to come and get it. My email is

And Kathy, I give in to those cravings far too often!

Melissa said...

I was just reading about the primal blueprint diet. It totally makes sense to me. what is a woman to do when her husband won't eat anything but beef and potatoes? Make two meals?