Monday, February 23, 2009

Eczema Soother, Snot Wiper and Food Fixer

Disclaimer: I don't actually combine all these activities together. That might be gross!
What an eventful week! No good events, mind you. Ava and I have both been working up a couple of colds for a week or so. Well the mucus storm finally hit with full force. Taking care of a sick child is bad enough when you are healthy but when you have a cold and can identify with that commercial where the woman's head is swollen to three times it's size then it's awful. Heaven help us! I'm not proud but at one frustratingly low point this week I layed on my bed and actually said out loud, "Who's going to take care of me?" I know, total pity party. Now I've never experienced a proper hangover, but I nursed a Nyquil induced one Sunday that lasted into the early evening. Talk about spacey. My husband at one point asked if I was feeling alright because I was acting odd.

I've known for a few months that something is up with Ava's skin. I thought she was just sensitive like I am. But apparently not. She gets these rashes and they make her itch uncontrollably. Plus I can't keep her skin moisturized. Turns out it's Eczema. I got a lot of good advice from a family member who has dealt with it. I'm slathering her with lotion so thick it's akin to rubbing crisco into the skin. It's helped a little, but we're still having flare ups. It has to be something in her diet. Tonight was especially bad. She was itching like mad. So I thought back about what she's ate today...and discovered much to my shame that she has had a lot of chocolate today. Could it be chocolate? Do any of you have experience with Eczema? I want to hear what you have to say!

Finally I feel like this whole post has been a whine-fest and a boring one at that so I'll leave you with a good family recipe for a spicy, hearty stew that is good on a cold winter night. I will warn you that it is not a thirty minute meal. I start two hours before hand. The simmering is what takes time, but you can be blogging in the mean time right :)

San Antonio Beef Stew
(Grandma Shirleen's recipe)

2 lbs. Beef stew meat
2 cans of Beef broth (14.5 oz. cans)
1 C. hot water
1 (8 oz.) Pace Picante Sauce
1 medium onion chopped (I prefer the red variety)
3 medium carrots chopped
2 medium zucchini's peeled and chopped
1 pkg. frozen corn
1 can diced tomatos (I've used fresh before as well)
1/4 C. chopped parsley
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. ground cumin (I've substituted chili powder before)
1/2 cold water
2 Tbsp. flour

Pour a little oil into a large pot. Add stew meat and brown. Add broth, hot water, picante sauce, onion parsley, salt and cumin. Bring to boil; reduce heat, cover and simmer 1 hour. In the mean time chop veggies. Add tomatoes (with juice), carrots, corn and zucchini. Cover and simmer 25 minutes until carrots are tender. Mix cold water and flour, mixing until smooth. Gradually stir into stew. Heat to boiling, stirring constantly so nothing sticks to the bottom. Boil and stir 1 minute until thickened. Serves 8. I like to make corn bread with this stew, but it is plenty hardy enough by itself.


Ericka said...

I don't know what to tell you about the eczema besides Eucerin. Why does it cost so much anyway? If chocolate induces it then I think I would rather itch than give it up. I have been reading alot about the subject lately though (Casen) and I keep reading that a humidifier can make worlds of differences for those who suffer...just a thought.

Jill said...

Maybe she's allergic to chocolate! Heavens no. that would be terrible. Maybe you should change your detergent or don't use fabric softner or maybe she's allergic to food die. google it.

Dawn and Chase said...

I've heard of people being allergic to chocolate. Maybe you should take her to see if she can get like an allergen screening or something:)

Jill said...


Kel said...

OK, I guess I'm a blog stalker because I just linked here off of Kathy's blog (I'm her cousin) because I'm surfing and the name of your blog caught my eye, but I think I have something useful for you. My twin nieces experiences much of what you are describing with the eczema. Turns out, after much trial and error, that excessive sugar kicks it into high gear. So, probably not chocolate per se as the culprit, but the sugar.