Thursday, December 17, 2009

Keepin' it Real

Let me explain.  For the second time this winter I've come down with some sort of flu.  I won't go into the misery I have been in for days all I can tell you is that two nights ago at 4 in the morning after having thrown up again from coughing so hard I crawled into bed with my husband woke him up and ask him to please load his gun and put the old girl down.  Thankfully he declined and rolled back over and went to sleep.  Tuesday morning I woke up and knew Ava was awake.  She had turned on the t.v. and I could hear Dora's annoying voice.  I had no idea what time it was.  I got up and entered the living room to the scene above. 

The advent calender had been plundered and pillaged.

She had scattered cheerios far and wide and somehow managed to knock my beloved Monet painting from off the mantle.  It had looked like some rock star had come and trashed the place.  A 4 year old rock star hopped up on sugar and chocolate.  She smiled sweetly at me, bid me a good morning and went about her business like any other morning.  I was still fighting a Tylenol PM hangover and all I could manage was a feeble hands on the hips pose and look of consternation on my pale face.  Then I took a coughing fit and lost all composure.  I collapsed into the recliner and wondered who takes care of a mother when she's sick.  Turns out, no one.  We take care of ourselves.  Or try to.  Which leads to the moral of the year I'm getting a flu shot and every year after that.  The end. 


Melissa said...

this made my day! How does such a small person manage to make such a mess! the picture on the floor in front of the fireplace! haha, how long had she been unattended denise! at least she was safe and happy! If you were closer i would take care of you! :) I should have come down to help anyway, huh. what kind of friend am i? Love you!

Becca said...

It looks as bad as you sounded the other day! You forgot the part about her making her own sandwich. To funny, I hope you are on the mend!

Becca said...

Oh, and your husband not putting you down..It's true love, actions really do speak louder than words!

Megan and Jon said...

Put the old girl down.. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Loved this

Jill said...

HOLY COWS! that girl is crazy. How did she manage to knock your picture down? wow. I feel horrible for you. please don't let brig put you down, but I know just how you feel. I said the same thing about 1week ago.

Ericka said...

I love the emptied advent...what else is a girl to do with a box of chocolates but eat them all? Hope you are feeling much better :)