Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A Small Rant about Tiger Woods

Listen, if you're like me on one hand you're already tired of hearing all the sad sordid details of the whole Tiger Woods fiasco, on the other you grow more flabbergasted that a man of such high profile thought he could mess around on his wife with an ever growing harem of women of such low moral character and think he would never suffer any repercussions.  I just have to make a few points here and then I promise I'll return to my world of embarrassing personal stories and tales from the frontlines of motherhood. 

1.  It's not that he cheated.  It's that he did it in such a serial way.  Allegedly he had a personal trainer spot good looking women and would have him go up to them and introduce them.  This happened over and over again.  If you listen to any of these clearly money motivated, fame chasing Jezebels they all tell a basically similar story.  Tiger says his marriage is on the rocks, or that it is just for show.  Bada bing, bada boom.  Said Jezebel is ready to pick up the pieces when he finally leaves his wife.  OK.  What gives a person the right to think he can walk through one woman after another while still pretending to be a family man? 

2.  These women are making me want to scream.  Tiger is such a horrible guy...blah, blah, blah.  I feel betrayed...blah, blah, blah.  Of course I feel so sorry for his wife which is why I'm running my mouth to any media outlet that will give me air time or compensation, I'm sure this will make her feel better that my sincerest apology along with lurid details about her husband's affair with me is being broadcast into millions of homes.  Listen ladies, YOU had an affair with a married man.  This makes you just as culpable as he is.  You can try to justify your reasons all you want, the truth is you didn't give a damn about his wife or his family.  All you saw was a billion dollar man willing to open the door a crack to the "good life".  It wasn't about love.  It wasn't about manipulation.  It was about selfishness and power and a total lack of empathy for a fellow woman and a total lack of respect for the boundaries of marriage.  Don't try to spin it any other way.  The whole world knows you are lying.

3.  Major news corporations acting as if this is a hard hitting news story.  What has gone wrong with the world that half of all the national news each night is based around the lives of celebrities.  Those kinds of stories used to be reserved for Entertainment Tonight, but now it seems celebrities are now news worthy enough to be constantly shoved in our faces.  I don't know Tiger personally.  Or any other celebrity for that matter, except for having met one very un-magical David Copperfield on one occasion.  And I guess I have a bit more respect for an Athlete than I do for say an actor because really, why are actors famous?  Because they are willing to do ANYTHING on camera for millions of dollars and call it an art form.  What kind of moral character does this speak to?  I really don't need these people glorified for every little happening in their self-indulged lives that lack anything close to reality on the nightly news.  Save these stories for the right media outlets.  The world is a big place, maybe if we stepped outside of America once and while and looked around we might see what is really going on outside our largely entitled, privileged nation.

4.  Defenders of Tiger Woods trying to diminish what he did to his wife by saying that Elin stands to get a lot of money if she stays with him.  As if this somehow balances the scales.  I would be insulted if a man that had vowed to love, honor and cherish me did what Tiger did and THEN offered me more money to stay.  What do I look like?  A prostitute?  Someone you can pay off?  When did marriage become some business deal where emotional pain can be salved by money?  I know many women who marry these sorts of men are obviously attracted to more than just the guy's personality.  But it's just sad if you sell your dignity and your happiness so that you can drive a luxury car and wear over sized diamonds.  Shallow and insipid.  Hopefully, Elin won't be another Mrs. Kobe Bryant.

5. Final point- I promise.  It is sad for his wife to have to hear all the crappy details about her hound of a husband and his minions of air headed bottom feeders, but the only bright side to this is it has to be killing Tiger Woods.  For a man who thought he could pull so many strings and retain his reputation as a family man he has to be getting exactly what he deserves right now.  He likes his privacy so they say, but all his vile misdeeds are being flung over the fence and into the media trough for the whole world to consume.  Regardless of if he is truly sorry, I'm pretty positive he is sorry for the type of women he consorted with.  I've kept thinking, I shouldn't be judging him.  I don't know him.  But his actions speak of someone who believed their own desires were more important than anything.  I have no respect for a man that so wantonly and repeatedly hurt and betrayed his wife and for all we knew would have continued to until he was caught.  It just goes to show that a God given talent, successful career, billions of dollars in the bank, a beautiful wife and family are not enough for some people.  It really boggles the mind.


Becca said...

Did Jill have her baby? I couldn't agree with you more about Tiger. How about the women that claimed she was in bed with him the night his father died. What a creep! What get's me is they are all unattractive bar flies....His wife is so beautiful, men are so stupid...

Becca said...
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kathy said...

I'm in your camp, especially when it comes to #3. Well said!