Monday, January 3, 2011

Birth Story

So this is mostly for me to document Brielle's birth.  We had decided about a month and a half ago that I should be induced a week early.  My concern was for how big this baby was going to be.  Ava was two weeks early and weighed 7'9.  I worried that if nature took it's course and I went full term or over that the baby would be a ten pounder.  Plus I didn't want to be in the hospital for Christmas. 

The night before I had taken Ava on a "date" to see Despicable Me again at the dollar theater and to eat at Panda Express.  I was feeling emotional about this being our last day together just the two of us before her sister arrived.  We had fun and I managed not to cry when I told her how much she meant to me and would always be my baby.  The next day I was feeling anxious the whole day but just kept busy to keep my mind off of things.  My mom showed up at my house on Monday the 20th at about 3 pm.  I had been making cookies for her and my husband to snack on while I was in the hospital.  That morning I had been grocery shopping with Ava.  My mom and I went shopping and I showed her where to go to get groceries or if she wanted to take Ava to McDonald's playland.  I had a couple of Christmas presents to get before I went to the hospital that night as well. 

My Mom made french bread pizza.  My last meal for who knew how long.  My sister Darcie had called that afternoon and we talked about how long labor might last.  She said that her second was exactly half the amount of time as her first so I should only be 15 hours this time!  I called the hospital an hour before I was scheduled to make sure they still had room for me.  They said they did.  So at quarter to 8 we left the house to go to the hospital. 

The nurse I had that night was super nice.  I really liked her.  She said I was her only patient that night.  They checked me and I was still only dilated to a one and 30% effaced.  So instead of starting me on pitocin they used cytotech.  No idea if I spelled that right.  They would check me in four hours and decide what to do from there.  I watched tv while Brig dozed in the chair.  He had just finished working his seven day stretch.  At about 11 pm he went home to sleep.  I tried to sleep but had to keep getting up every hour to use the bathroom.  At 1 am they checked me and I was still a one but 50% effaced. 

I couldn't sleep but I just laid there with my eyes closed.  I could hear the nurses laughing like loons in the hall.  It made me smile.  If I miss working outside of the home it's for the socializing aspect alone, oh and being compensated with a paycheck is nice, too.  At 2 am I started having some uncomfortable contractions.  I tried to relax into them and tell myself that every contraction was getting me closer to meeting my little girl.  At 5 PM they checked me again.  I was at a 3, but my cervix was softer.  My doctor came in a little while later and told them to start me on Pitocin. 

All night the nurse and the residents couldn't get over how active my baby was.  They kept calling her a wild woman.  They told me I could get an epidural whenever I wanted.  I kept contracting and just kept trying to go with it.  At 9 am my doctor came and broke my water.  At about 10 am I decided I'd better get the epidural because it was really starting to get intense.  I don't know how women do it without an epidural.  I had briefly considered going natural a while back in my pregnancy.  But the reality is I know there is a solution to the pain and I just couldn't see myself not taking that option.  I texted Brig and asked if he was on his way.  He said he was getting ready.  The new nurse, who I also liked, told me that the epidural was about 45 minutes away as they were in surgery until then. 

At 11 am a cute resident came in and informed me he was there to give me my epidural.  He had nice eyebrows.  I know that sounds crazy, but I notice eyebrows.  Plus he had on a surgical mask and so his eyes really stood out.  I was slightly flustered because Brig still wasn't there and I had wanted him to be there for the epidural.  But I couldn't keep waiting.  The resident talked to me about the risks associated with an epidural and as he was finishing Brig showed up.  I was relieved.  I was nervous.  With Ava I can't remember feeling nervous about the epidural, which means I must have been in more pain than this time around because then I was like just do what you have to do to get this pain to stop. 

The epidural helped a lot and I tried to not keep pressing the button to give myself more if I didn't need it.  I wanted my legs to stay only partially dead.  The resident checked me and told me I was a four.  Nice.  Slow and steady.  They kept increasing my pitocin.  Brig left to get some lunch with Ava and my mom.  At 12:30 I started to feel kind of nauseous and dizzy.  I was chatting with a very cute nurse named Devon as she set up the delivery table with all the instruments lined up.  I told her I was feeling really dizzy and sick.  She went to get my nurse.  They gave me some anti-nausea medication and called the resident to come and check me.  This was around 2:00.  I was dilated to a five.  The baby's head was still high though.  Over the course of the next hour I felt sicker and sicker and the baby's heart rate started to go down with each contraction.  Brig was still at lunch and I was wishing he was there with me. 

The baby's heartrate got down into the 80's and all of a sudden there were like 15 people in the room with me.  The got me to turn on my side and my doctor came and told them to cut off my pitocin, essentially stopping my hard labor.  I was so scared for the baby.  They thought there must be a cord problem where it was being squished each time I had a hard contraction.  They put me on oxygen.  She started doing a bit better with me on my side and the contractions not so close together.  Brig got back from lunch and I was glad he was there again.  At 4:30 when they had checked me again and I was dilated to a 6 but still no change on baby's head position the resident and my nurse told me that if I hadn't changed in another hour or so they may have to take the baby c-section.  At this news I got all teary eyed and couldn't stop crying.  I was so scared and didn't want a c-section. 

Brig tried to reassure me by telling me that this had happened with Ava too, where I was stuck dilated for a few hours at a couple of points in my labor.  But this time was different in that they couldn't increase the pitocin up too much though because the baby didn't react well to it and without that my contractions didn't seem to be strong enough to progress labor.  At 5:30 the resident checked me again and told me I was still a 6.  I was still trying to get a grip on my emotions.  My nurse felt bad that she had had to broach the subject of a c-section.  I told her I wasn't mad at her for suggesting it and I understood.  She seemed relieved.  About ten minutes later I felt extremely ill.  Brig handed me the bucket and I threw up.  I felt awful.  People started filling the room again and as the nausea started to subside I became aware that the baby's heart rate was down again.  They said they needed to do a c-section right away.  My doctor came in and checked me and said I was dilated to a 7 but the head was still not down enough.  I agreed to the c-section.  I was scared, but scared for my baby too.  They wheeled me into the operating room. 

I was shaking uncontrollably and crying.  I felt totally helpless and scared that I would feel when they made the incision.   I kept closing my eyes and taking deep breaths trying to calm down.  Brig got his scrubs on and they let him into the room.  He sat down on one side of me and held my hand.  His eyes looked scared and it scared me to see him looking scared.  He kept rubbing my hand and I felt better that he was there with me.  I had some morbid thoughts about if this were the last few moments of my life what I'd want to say to Brigham.  Not wanting to get too melodramatic I just told him I loved him. 

The anethesiologist worked their magic and I couldn't feel anything except pulling and pressure.  They asked Brig if he wanted to see the baby being "born", more like ripped from my womb!  Did I mention I didn't want a c-section?  He stood up and watched and I prayed he wouldn't make any horrified faces while I was watching him.  He got tears in his eyes and I heard our baby girl cry and the nurses talking sweet to her.  The doctor said, "Lots of dark hair!"  It was 6:09 p.m.  Brig got up and got to be with her while they cleaned her up.  It seemed like forever until they brought her over to me.  I couldn't see her face very well and they had a hat on her but I did spy some dark hair sticking out.  Brig went with the nurse to take the baby to the nursery. 

After they stitched me up they got me back to my labor and delivery room to wait for Brig and the baby.  I was still shaking and feeling pretty dizzy.  Soon Brig came back with the baby.  I was so happy to meet her.  We tried breastfeeding and she latched right on.  I was thrilled.  She had so much black straight hair.  I thought she looked similar to Ava but more like my side of the family.  She definitely has my nose.  She also has a few worry lines on her forehead that unfortunately I was born with as well. 

They wheeled me to my post delivery room and on the way there it became apparent that I was extremely nauseous.  Even with my eyes closed the room was spinning.  The motion of them moving me made me so sick.  I found out they had used morphine to numb me for the c-section.  I got sick last time I was given morphine during Ava's birth but I didn't know for sure if it was that that had made me sick.  Now I was sure.  They gave me three different anti-nauseous medications and none of them worked.  I threw up a few times and then all through the night I was sweating and freezing and the room spun. 

It turns out that part of the reason Brielle wasn't moving down into the birth canal was that she was facing up instead of down which I guess makes the circumference wider to deliver.  Also the cord was around her neck which is why she was struggling.  I'm glad they were able to get her here safely.  Next time I have a baby I'm skipping the whole labor thing and going straight for the c-section.  Even with the extra recovery time.  I'm not doing the whole draining exhausting labor drama again. 

It took us until the next day to name her because my husband was holding out hope that I'd agree to a name that I had told him repeatedly I would not name her.  But we had previously agreed on Brielle before he got the wild hair to name her something else.  Her middle name was coming from my side of the family this time as Ava's middle name comes from Brig's side.  I had to choose from Shirleen, Margaret, Melba, Rangna, and Debra.  Not that they aren't all lovely women, but I didn't think any of them sounded that great with Brielle.  Brig suggested I name her after me, but I've never loved my name either.  So I went way back and named her after my great great Grandma Caroline Letitia Godfrey Thompson.  She was a midwife.  That's about all I know about her. 

So the funny thing was the two things I was looking forward to: sleeping on my stomach and eating didn't happen quite as quickly as I anticipated.  I think it was like 36 hours without eating due to how sick I was and I still haven't been able to sleep on my stomach.  The good news is I have another precious baby girl to love on and things are wonderful here.  I kept thinking how lucky I am on Christmas Day.  And I am.  The luckiest girl in the world. 


Jill said...

perfect. I agree c-sections are sooooo the way to go. love her name.

kathy said...

I love reading birth stories. Each one is different, yet dramatic in it's own way. Brielle is a great name. They say people become their name, and to me "Brielle" would be very beautiful and sophisticated, yet gentle and calm. Perfect!

Melissa said...

I am so excited to meet her! Love you.

Candi Merritt said...

I was the same way as you. Definately DID NOT want a c-section. Paisley was breech so I had to have one. Now that's the only way I ever want to do it! Although I totall understand the "ripping her from my womb" comment:) That is the only way to describe it. Congratulations!

Candi Merritt said...

I was the same way as you. Definately DID NOT want a c-section. Paisley was breech so I had to have one. Now that's the only way I ever want to do it! Although I totall understand the "ripping her from my womb" comment:) That is the only way to describe it. Congratulations!

Natalie said...

I also love reading birth stories and yours was a dandy! You poor thing. I'm glad it has a happy ending and you deserve such a GORGEOUS baby after everything you went through. Congrats!

P.S. I love her name! It's perfect. Although I am curious about the name your husband was holding out hope for...

Katie and Co. said...

I completely understand how sad that "last day" is with your daughter. I cried and cried. Kylie and I had 8 years together, just the two of us. It's hard to say goodbye to that. Good job, momma!

Janette said...

As you can tell I'm just checking your blog out for the first time in a long time, all I've done lately is try to update mine. I'm so glad I got to read this. I didn't know you went through so much. She is so sweet and I'm glad it all turned out for the best. I still can't wait to meet her! Love ya :)