Thursday, April 14, 2011

Super Important Topic: Booty Bling

I know, I know, you've been waiting with bated breath for my thoughts on this recent trend.  For full disclosure's sake I have to say that I am no Joan Rivers.  Four out of seven days of the week I'm in what most people consider pajamas nearly all day.  Unless I'm actually going to spend a significant amount of time around people I usually throw on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt while I play mommy all day.  I'm sure I'd be the perfect candidate for What Not To Wear.

That being said: booty bling...I don't get it.  Someone got a little carried away with the bedazzler.  The rhinestones and crystals adorning these jeans are not just in any old place, but smack dab on the bum.  Liberace would have been gaga for these jeans, I just know it.  For the most part I've witnessed this trend among the thirty and younger set.  I don't see it much here in Salt Lake City, but I do see it a lot in Bountiful in the shop I work in. 

For one, I don't appreciate having my eyes drawn to your backside.  Those jewel encrusted pockets are like an invitation for me to gawk at a place I normally don't gawk at.  As my mother says everyone has a bum, what's the big deal?  To a large extent I agree, but there are various shapes and sizes involved.  Which leads me to my point.  If you have a bum that is not anything to brag about, why in the world would you wear these jeans that draw so much attention to the area that all they are missing is a large neon arrow pointing to your derriere?  On the other hand if you just have a fantastic booty why do you need large shiny gemstones glued to your rear-end?  Gilding the lily if you ask me.  I get that rhinestones are pretty.  I'm practically a bird when it comes to liking glittery shiny things, but even I have no appetite for this trend. 

The pushers of these jeans have not only convinced teens and young moms to wear them, but sadly I've seen women pushing fifty and men sporting this look.  I don't care if you are 55 and look twenty years younger, congratulations on that but you still don't get a pass to wear hideous jeans that are best left to a fifteen year old.  And to the men out there: it's bad enough I have to tolerate seeing every square inch of your chicken legs and small flat bums thanks to skinny jeans.  Having my eyeballs assaulted with huge golden studs in the shape of an iron cross on the back side of your saggy over-sized jeans along with a huge pouncing tiger appliqued on your right thigh is where I draw the line.  Have a little self awareness.  Right now my thighs rival the circumference of an oak tree.  I am aware.  So much so in fact that I resist wearing cropped black spandex pants.  They look terribly cute under a long tunic and boy howdy how comfortable they must be but I refuse to reveal if my thighs contain a 16 oz. container of cottage cheese, or the economy sized containers they hawk at Costco.  So please, do me a favor...unless you are a flamboyant piano genius leave the rhinestones and other adornments on a piece of Cookie Lee jewelry.  My eyes thank you for your cooperation. 


Melissa said...

Finally something we agree whole heartedly on!! I was browsing through the buckle one day and say a husband/wife duo trying on sparkly jeans. They were over fifty each and a felt such embarrassment for them. Mid life crisis perhaps?? They are all the rage in Logan and it seems the gaudier the more appealing. Truly mind boggling! Utah really struggles in the fashion department. We still need a sweat day! And I LOVE Clinton Kelly!

kathy said...

Amen! I haven't bought new jeans in probaby 5 years because I refuse to adorn my butt in such a manner. And, might I add, the pockets are always set too low, which make an already sagging ass look even worse. High-set pockets are much more flattering. Why don't the designers see that?

Jill said...

i just think its funny. i think it's fun for kids, as in kids not moms and not grandmas. hah ah

Chan said...

I'm rolling here...way too funny. Where do you work in Bountiful? I'm just up the road if you ever need a sitter. My goal in life is to have a butt that if I put on booty bling you couldn't see it from the moon. Most days I am blow way by what grown ass women wear.

Janette said...

Oh Denise, you crack me up! I love it. I could listen to you all day. Some things you talk about, I never even think of. I miss hanging out, we need to do it more! :)