Friday, August 26, 2011

Every Last Drop

Brig's been working so much this summer that we really haven't been on a family vacation, so we decided to head over to Bear Lake last weekend for his sister's annual birthday bash.  It was heaven to sit on the beach while the kids played. 

It was my goal to start the weekend off with no more Coke.  Thus the Shasta in the background.  I mean the ultimate goal is no soda whatsoever, but you steps.  I won't keep you in suspense though.  By Sunday my head was pounding and when I got to my mom's house to visit before the end of our mini-vacation there, in the garage were about fifty cans of Coke sitting like liquid sin ripe for the picking.  I couldn't help myself.  Sigh.  I really don't want to drink it anymore.  It serves no purpose, except to make me feel like I get a reward for making it through the day with two kids at home.  But I digress.
It's too bad you can't see their faces.  Brig and Ava jumped in the lake.  I was proud of Ava.  She did complain it was cold though. 
 Brig knee-boarding.  He had a lot of fun. 
 Ava and her cousins.  She's one lucky girl.  She's certainly had a fun summer.

 If she looks hot and sweaty it's because she was. 
We also went huckleberry picking up in the mountains.  It was so much fun!  I wish I had remembered my camera.  Well, that's that for Summer.  I know some will hate me for this but I can't wait for Fall weather.  I'm so tired of being hot. 


kathy said...

I'm with you! Fall is my favorite season. I hate summer. Heat makes me dormant. While everyone is out doing stuff, I sit in my air-conditioned house and gain weight. But the point is, you have such cute girls!

Jill said...

what fun to hang out on the lake. Brielle is so stinkin cute. everyone needs a little coke (not coke from mexico though) :)

Melissa said...

Two words form you woman... DIET COKE. No headache no calories! It's a miracle beverage. And your girls are adorable!