Saturday, September 3, 2011

What's in a Name?

Ava started kindergarten this week.  We knew that there was going to be another Ava in her class.  I said to her, "There will probably be a lot of other Ava's growing up because since you were born it's become more popular."  Instead of her taking this as a negative thing...which to me it kind of is, she said, "That's because Ava is the most beautiful name in the whole world."  Smart girl.   The second I told my husband that there was another Ava in her class he said, "Is there a Marisa?"  The name he wanted to name Ava.  Haha.  And no.  There wasn't a Marisa.  I've made peace with the fact that her name is going to be more common and link her to a specific time period, although I never intended to give her a name like that.  I still think it's a beautiful name...obviously.

The only hesitancy I ever suffered with the name Brielle was that I worried it sounded like I made it up.  Or that it was a "Utah" name.  I detest made up names.  But I really loved the sound of Brielle.  This week I was asked if it was French by a woman who named her daughter Francesca, which I think is a very pretty name to spite that some might nickname her Franny.  I was embarrassed to tell her that I did not know.  I just liked the name.  As if I hadn't given a thought to the origins of the name at all.  To tell the truth I had made a deal with my husband that our second child was his to name.  For the nine months I was pregnant I rejected nearly all of his name suggestions.  I won't get into specifics but let's just say that someone is a fan of made-up names.  If it were up to me that pretty little dark-haired baby with bright blue eyes sleeping in the next room would be named Tess right now.  Or Ivy.  Or Matilda.  Don't judge me.  My husband hated Matilda, too.  For those contemplating naming a baby Brielle, I will give you one word of warning.  Lots of people think her name is "Brill".  Maybe it's my lazy tongue, but I find myself having to slow down her name when I tell someone what it is for the first time.  BREE-elle.  If that doesn't work I BREE-Anna.  Still some people are puzzled by the name, like my sweet grandpa who still pronounces it "Brill".  And that's fine.  Sometimes you just don't care for a name.

I confess I like distinctly feminine names for girls.  Maybe it's because on the first day of school for many, many years teachers would inevitably call out, "Dennis Cooper!"  "Dennis!"  And I'd say, "It's Denise."  Notice the E?  A childhood crush even took to calling me Dennis just because he knew I hated to be called that.  Boys.  One thing is for sure, I was destined to be named with a "D" name.  You see my parents are Dan and Debbie, so they thought it would be cute to name the whole brood with their common first initial.  Well, as my mom tells it after the first two it seemed odd to break the mold.  If it were up to her she would have named me Melody.  No offense, I know a very sweet, beautiful girl named that, but I'm glad Mom was confined to strictly D names.  My dad liked the name Diane for me, but it happened to be the name of his ex-girlfriend and so of course Mom was having none of that.  I've often thought what other name I would have chosen given my parents specific parameters.  I think it would have been Daphne.  But it's far from my favorite name.

My husband does not like his name.  Having the first and last names of the first and second prophets of the Mormon faith may be a bit much for him to live up to.  Although to be fair he was named after a great-great-great-great grandpa who crossed the plains and so was a contemporary of the prophet Brigham, instead of being specifically named after the prophet himself.  Brigham is virtually unheard of outside of Utah and Idaho.  When we were on our honeymoon I still remember the guy who picked us up in an airport shuttle in Orlando thought his name was Vikram.  Which is a common Indian name.  For the life of him he still couldn't pronounce it after Brigham corrected him.  I call my husband Brig.  I had a manager when I worked at Lowe's who was from the south who thought my husband's name was Greg for the longest time.  Hehe. 

I'm not sure why I got into all this.  But anyway, there you have it.  Random thoughts on my family's names. 


Jill said...

i loved reading it.
you know, i was going to be Brooke Rachael Godfrey but instead i became just Jill. and now my dad has a dog named Jill. Jill is fine. I'm like Ava, I always had 1 in my class and 5 in my grade. its not all that bad. I totally forgot people used to say Dennis! so funny. or i mean totally not funny! Brielle's name is great you shouldn't worry. older people always have a hard time with names unless they are from the bible or a prophets name. Who knew Brigham wasn't popular. i wouldn't have guessed that. I guess he could always go by his first given name.

Becca said...

I feel a Gus post coming on.....I miss you. Hope we can get together soon!

Melissa said...

Ah, whats in a name!? Some of the crap people come up with blow my mind... and i have a feeling as soon as we name our son I won't be able to make fun anymore. Though its not made up, so we can continue to mock the made up names, right?! Ava is a beautiful name, and although it maybe have made a comeback five years ago it is a classic name. Unlike MELISSA! Uh, where you born between 1975 and 1985. And although I don't love my name and do like that its kind of an 80's name. You know I am a child of the 80's when you hear my name. And that is rad! OH and as far as Brielle sounding made up... I never thought that and no one is as critical of made up like I am.