Monday, September 5, 2011

Daddy and His Girls

 Girls need their Dad's.
 They make them feel safe.
 They often give them the confidence to do the things they know their little girls are capable of.
 Dads need their girls.
 They give him a perspective on the world he's never truly known before.  A girl's perspective.
They smooth out Dad's rough spots.  They make him feel the full responsibility of protecting and nurturing them.  I've heard it said that boys stay your boys until they are someone's husband.  But girls stay your little girls forever. 


Jill said...

i love ava's hair in the church pics. she looks so old. crazy.
i agree. i know the key to matt's heart is a baby girl.

Melissa said...

Every man needs a daughter. It softens them.

Melissa said...

Every man needs a daughter. It softens them.