Monday, September 5, 2011

What Ava Saw

Ava snuck off with my camera while I was in the shower one day last week.  Even though she got her own camera for Christmas she still prefers ours. 
 My eyes!
An extreme close up of the t.v.  Can you guess that cartoon?  It's super annoying and I don't like Ava watching it.
Yep, we're still hanging on to our old box t.v.  No flat screen for us.  Vintage is just the way we roll.
Ava got this train set when she was one year old.  She hardly played with it then, but for some reason when we pulled it out for Brielle to play with she always steals it and plays with it.  I think it's more about sibling rivalry.
 Hello neighbors!  Lot size here is like sitting coach in an airplane. 
 A very well-manicured coach. 
The End.

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