Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A Short Rant about the Middle East

Last week the Arab world stormed the streets and angry muslims upset by a disparaging film about their prophet Mohammed murdered the Libyan Ambassador and three others who were just doing their jobs.  In the streets they chanted Death to America, and burned the American flag. 

Today it was reported that a French publication was going to print a cartoon depicting Mohammed in an unflattering view.  Buckle up.  Here we go again. 

First of all, I applaud the moderate Muslims who have made their voice heard and called for peaceful protests and tolerance.  It's too bad they are drowned out by the ultra conservative in those countries who value human life as less valuable than the image of a long dead prophet. 

As a person of faith, I believe all people should have respect and tolerance for other's beliefs.  You don't have to agree with those beliefs, you don't even have to like them, but you should support the idea that anyone can have the freedom to practice those beliefs in peace.

On the flip side at some point the Arab world has to accept that the western world holds the right to free speech as near and dear to our hearts.  It's one of the things we fought for in our revolution.  It's one of the things that I believe all people should desire and have.  Although at times free speech can expose a person as an ignorant bigot, or a hateful human being, it doesn't make me want to stop that person from saying what he wants to say.  I don't have to listen.  That's the beauty of free speech. 

I understand feeling offense at something said about a part of your life that you value so deeply.  Heck, there's a hit broadway play dedicated to mocking my beliefs.  Does that give me the right to perpetrate violence?  No it doesn't.  The whole point of religion is dedicating your life to something higher than yourself.  Rising above human shortcomings and seeing the divine in all people.  Even people who don't share your beliefs. 

That's all I wanted to say.  If the Arab world hasn't heard of the old playground saying, they really should by now...sticks and stones may break my bones, but words/films/plays/cartoons that offend can never hurt me.  Go ahead and protest, that's an important right as well, but do it peacefully without any intention to harm others. 

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I was reading a forum about this the other day. Someone said something that I had never thought of and that really struck me.

God doesn't need me (or you or anyone) to defend him. He is all powerful. He doesn't need anyone one to bomb or kill anyone in his name. (Not that this violence is in response to offending Allah, just a prophet!! If I killed everyone I heard mocking Joseph Smith I would never get my laundry done!)

Anyway, I like that. Instead of constantly being offended we really do need to spend our energy making this world better. Lifting those around us. Helping those that need help.

Not getting suck down into anger and frustration and hatred because people don't believe in our beliefs (Mormons and Muslims alike).

The Middle East is never going to change. At least not that we will ever see. And this movie is just a scapegoat. They hate America. They will use whatever excuse they can to incite violence. What a scary, unhappy way to live.