Sunday, February 7, 2010

A Story about Debbie


By now you have to know that the woman that is my mother is someone very special to me.  What you may not know is that besides being sweet, kind, patient and able to hold a smile for hours on end, she is also...precocious and dare I say, a bit uproarious at times.  On the whole she is a very in control person.  Inhibited in groups and always polite.  But there were times growing up that she would laugh louder and dance sillier than the rest of us.  My dad has always said he would like to get a little alcohol in her...just to see all that pent up craziness let loose.  

About a year ago my parents got back from California.  My dad used to travel quite a bit for his job with ATK and my mom would sometimes go with him.  Both Mom and Dad started chuckling as Dad began his narrative about an incidence that occurred while they were at a park one day in California.  My Dad...Iron Man Dan...was getting in his run for the day and was running the length of a strip of sidewalk and then turning around and running back to my mother, who was walking.  My dad is rather competitive.  So naturally it started to miff him that every time he'd turn around to run back towards my mom she would be closer than he would have thought.  He started to think he must be out of shape, or just getting older.  Then it hit him.  

Apparently, every time my dad would turn away from my mom and start running away from her she would also break into a run.  When he got to the turn around she would stop running and pretend as if she had been walking the whole time.  It still makes me giggle thinking about it.  Thanks Debbie, for being you!


Dawn and Chase said...

I remember this story. Very funny! Love it.

Jill said...

he he. that's great. I love that Debbie would trick Dan. so fun.

Ericka said...

Oh that is hilarious!