Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Belated Brielle Blessing Photos

Confession: These photos were not actually taken on the day we blessed Brielle.  Between the bathing and dressing and feeding and everything else we never took a single photo.  Lame I know.  But we wanted pictures with her in her dress anyway.  Confession: I'm not sure why I have my head tilted so far to the right.  I think it's in response to Ava annoyingly bouncing around and grabbing onto Brielle's legs while we were taking the shot.  Yes, I'm certain that's it.  If you look at my smile it says Hurry and take the picture.  Our first born is driving me crazy!

 Brigham and Brielle.  Brielle and Brigham.  What can I say?  I love 'em.
I like this picture even though Ava is not looking at the camera because Brig and Ava were laughing really hard over something.  I can't even remember what it was.  I couldn't get the girl to look at me though.  P.S. We blessed Brielle two months ago.  Most of Brig's family was there and both of my sisters were there and my parents.  We had lunch afterward and it was a very nice day. 


Jill said...

Brig has glasses? or is he like me and only wears them on sunday.
love the dress. i know that smile, it happens to me all the time. just take the @#8% photo!!!

Janette said...

I had the same thought, Brig has glasses? I love your hair, when did you cut it? I've had that face in many pictures I'm sure. Cute dress and I love that you did a photo shoot after the fact :)