Monday, May 16, 2011

Random Pics

Brielle is loving the rice cereal.  With apple juice mixed in, of course.  Ava feeds her most of the time and it helps me out a lot.

Today while I was eating a turkey sandwich with one hand and holding Brielle with the other arm she leaned over and plucked a piece of bread right off my sandwich!  She tried to eat it, but having no teeth I decided it wise to pull it out of her salivating jaws.  She was none too pleased.  She eyed my sandwich hungrily the rest of the time. 

Brielle's teeth still have not come through.  She is sleeping better though, which is a big relief.  I even managed to get out of bed this morning and workout before the house was up.  It's amazing what a couple of extra hours of sleep can do.

I love the two girls together.  Especially when Ava is not teasing her sister. 

Ava came into the bedroom yesterday and said, "Hey mom, do you know what a Boogey Man is?"  

Me: "What?"

Ava: "It's a man who comes into little kids' rooms at night and picks boogers out of their noses and wipes it on himself."  

Me:  "That's pretty gross!"

Ava: "That's why he's called the Boogey Man."

She is one of a kind, my Ava girl.  That's for sure.  

1 comment:

Jill said...

oh my that's so cute of ava to feed her. i love the first and last pic of the girls. they are all sooo cute! oh ava i'm glad that's what she thinks the boogey man is. :)