Friday, January 4, 2013

Ode to Ugly Shoes

Ugly shoes, ugly shoes
The perfect hue of electric blue
Encasing my square feet
And all ten toes akin to sausage meat

Ugly shoes, ugly shoes
They tend to put me in the mood
To lounge in sweats
For that I have few regrets

Ugly shoes, ugly shoes
Of making me look dowdy you've been accused
And for that crime
You can no longer be mine

Ugly shoes, ugly shoes
Right there for me, either win or lose
The absence of your synthetic sole
Will forever leave an ugly shoe sized hole

Ugly shoes, ugly shoes
I now bid you a tearful adieu
No more walks or out to lunch
Into a sneaker, or heel my lil' smokies will be crunched

Ugly shoes, ugly shoes
Cradling my tired feet, comfort is what you ooze
Supporting my arches with the greatest of ease
I now leave you for the trash man like a fatal disease

Ugly shoes, ugly shoes
I have been shamed by the terrible two
My friends, how they laugh, how they mock
I nod and agree, while inside I balk

Ugly shoes, ugly shoes
For this poem you've been my muse
But I must go, this is the end
I hope in time my broken heart will mend

- Denise Cooper Smith



Melissa said...

Good riddance!!

Jill said...

good bye ugly shoes.
i like the background

angie curtis said...

Haha :) You make me laugh (especially the part about your long haired sexy mexi boyfriend who you would kiss in the elevator!).