Monday, October 4, 2010

Things My Daughter Says

The things a four year old says delights me to no end.  She makes me laugh so much.  My mom is always telling me to write down the things she says in a journal so I can remember them later.  Since I don't really keep a journal I thought I'd write them down here.

Recently we were in my bedroom folding clothes.  I was listening to music and she was sitting on the bed looking at books.  When a particularly groove worthy song came on I started dancing...well I thought I was dancing.  This is how that went:

Ava: "Mom what are you doing?"

Me: "Dancing."

Ava: "Oh, I thought you needed to go potty."

Another conversation on the topic of hair went this way:

Ava: "We both have curly hair, right Mom?"

Me: "Yeah, but yours has gone straighter over the past year.  You're lucky.  You'll be able to do your hair curly or straight.  It looks just right with your face."

Ava: "I think your hair would look good on a Black lady."

Me: "You're right.  A lot of Black people do have curly hair."

We went and got flu shots last weekend.  Since Ava hasn't had any shots since she was 3 years old she couldn't remember what a shot felt like.  She asked if it would hurt and I told her it probably would a little bit.  She said she'd be a brave girl and hold onto Daddy's hand and her Barbie's hand too.  Well she did fine, except for looking a bit betrayed when the shot went in and it was painful.  She wouldn't let Brig or I hug her afterward as if we were somehow complicit in letting her get hurt right in front of us.  Later she said, "You know Mom, the worst part about the whole thing was when he poked me in the arm with the shot."  I don't know but that made me laugh and laugh. 

Then just the other day I was talking about how much I love her no matter what.  The little sweetheart replied, "I'll love you no matter what."  Then she looked particularly enlightened and said, "Even when you don't look pretty, Mom." 


Jill said...

so funny! my fav is the hair one. ha ha

Melissa said...

She must have your wit my Love! I must see your "i-need-to-pee" dance moves ASAP, hopefully you can enlighten me tomorrow!