Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Weight Loss Wednesday

Another week.  Through some miracle I lost one pound this week.  That's eleven pounds total.  I have three weeks left in my biggest loser competition.  I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be the winner as my oldest brother in true oldest sibling style has been losing three or four pounds every week.  I don't have any idea where he can possibly be losing it from.  He is lean!  I chalk it up to him being a pilot with a lot of time on his hands while in South America or Hawaii.  One time he ran twelve miles just because.  Wasn't training for anything, just running.  Dan, gotta love him, but really...can you stop being so superior in everything you try for once? 

Confession: I have a guilty pleasure and this guilty pleasure may or may not make you think less of me.  Here goes - I watch The Real Housewives of Orange County.  There, I said it.  I feel so much better.  I was watching last night's episode where Alexis went into the plastic surgeon to get her nose done.  Let me just say that she is no stranger to the good doctor's scalpel.  Anyway, she was walking around in leggings and all I could think about was how it would feel to have thighs that don't touch.  I'm not sure if I'll ever know.  Also, I've always disliked my own nose but after seeing that surgery and her recovery...blaaaaaah!  I think I'll pass.  The only reason to submit yourself to that much pain is to bring a child into the world. 

Brig has been going to the rock climbing gym a lot.  I really admire how he has this drive to be active.  He has big plans for his road bike this summer.  In fact he wanted to turn our anniversary into some "romantic" getaway where he rides a few hundred miles to St. George and I get to be his support car.  Shudder.  It brought back memories from my childhood, where every vacation was planned around one of Dad's races, be it cycling or running.  I recall staying in a run down motel in Tooele once and wondering why anyone in their right mind would willingly choose to live there.  We were there for Cycling Nationals.  It consisted of us getting up early and heading to the bike course where we'd nap in the van/station wagon (whichever variety we were rolling in at that time) or bicker with a sibling until it was time for the race to begin.  Then, grumbling, we would all trudge to the start and cheer for Dad as he wheeled off down the road.  Then we'd climb back in the vehicle and try to entertain ourselves for the next couple of hours.  I make it sound boring.  I actually look back with fondness on all the road trips we got to take that we probably wouldn't have otherwise.  My favorite vacation/bike race was in Santa Rosa, California.  A few of the races were in wine country and I've never forgotten how beautiful the land was.  I love Northern California and if it weren't for the high cost of living/my grandmother's absolute belief that California will fall into the ocean then I would be finding a way to live there along the coast. 

My goal for the next week is two pounds.  To accomplish that I really need to stop being so lax about what I'm eating.  I'm thrilled the weather is great.  Maybe I'll get down to Liberty Park run/walk around with Bree in the stroller. 


Chan said...

Oh how I love reading your blog. I know the feeling, seems like we plan a lot of trips around my husband's races. I must say that I agree Santa Rosa is amazing, yes I went there for a race.

Maybe you should get a road bike and go with Brig. I finally broke down and got one. It's something my husband and I really enjoy together. I'm not a fast as he is but he finds the patience to deal with me.

I too am a avid watcher of these horrile shows but for some reason they remember me how normal I really am. I have always wondered what it would be like to have thighs that don't your not alone. Miss your face

Melissa said...

Whoever introduced you to such a horrible smutty show?!?! :) They are so fake and shallow and miserable. They always remind me of what I don't want to be like. they have nice stuff, but their lives seem empty. And the husbands are all total douche bags!

Great job on the pound. We have been out strolling everyday this week. The weather has rejuvenated me. my thighs will always touch. And I'm ok with that. :).

Jill said...

good job with the weight loss! I bet with out all the treats/cheesecake you would have lost more. :) darn it. but worth it. at least you have liberty park and good weather. what!? Dan is losing weight? that's just crazy.