Thursday, March 1, 2012

Weight Loss Wednesday

I lost 2 lbs!  Hurray!  Wait.  I gained two pounds last week though so...yeah.  I admit I am struggling.  I've been complaining in my mind.  But why can't I eat pizza and fries and soda?  Why do I have to eat healthy?  This sucks!  You get the drift.  But when I think about the alternative it's not good either.  Obviously eating poorly is not going to make me feel good about my body, or myself.  So I have two options. A. Eat the same, and keep gaining weight and be fine with that or B. Alter my eating habits and hopefully lose weight and feel better about myself and my life.  I'm never going to feel good about being overweight.  I know there are women out there who claim they are fine with who they are and feel confident regardless of their size.  I am not like those women.  Sometimes I wish I were. 

I had used an anniversary trip as motivation to get in shape, but we decided to use our tax returns for new furniture.  Maybe I can picture my future hot self sitting in that furniture.  That's motivation, right?  Not so much. 

I've kept hoping for the weather to warm up.  I'd like to start walking/jogging regularly.  I've never liked to jog in public.  It's ironic that people who are overweight, like myself, feel self conscious about others seeing them work out because we are the ones who need it most.  I don't know why I care so much.  I guess I think about people driving by and thinking about how big I am or how slow I am going.  Why I care about strangers' passing thoughts is really stupid.  When I see someone who is overweight working out I am usually impressed.  Because they are braver than I am, or obviously care more about their health than other people's thoughts.  

Gotta get my mind right.  I've been feeling negatively about a lot lately.  So let's put something out there that is positive.  I'm grateful my body knows how to dance.  I tried Zumba this week and it was a lot of fun.  Dancing has always been something that has come instinctively for me.  Jogging or basketball...not so much.  I'm grateful my feet seem to know the steps after a couple of counts.  I'm glad my hips sway in time to the music.  I'm grateful I enjoy the "African Beats" segment of the video especially the tiger claw move at the end that is equal parts tribal and absurd.  Beto says, "Pretend you are a hunter - strong!"  And I do.  I'm a warrior on the prowl for a twenty-six inch waist.  I'm still not quite sure what Beto is on the prowl for.  He was definitely giving some intense come hither looks in the cool down. saucy. 


Becca said...

Hang in there! Why is being a women so tough? Love ya

Jill said...

2 pounds is great. good job.

Melissa said...

At least you lost ghe 2 lbs, right! You are still at an overall Deficiet which is awesome. I've lost 1 lb in the las four weeks. It is so frustrating when you are making a large effort and you see no progress. Exercise is the easy part for me. I will keep that up no matter what. But when I'm cutting out fun naughty and see no benefits it makes mr want to not give the food up anymore. Grrr

Melissa said...

Oh wow, my grammar/spelling/incomplete sentences seem to be a problem when I leave comments from the iPad. Fun, naughty foods is what I meant.