Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Things I've been Fired Up About Recently

I'm just going there, and I know it's an unpopular view point among most of my small loyal readers, but here goes...Republicans playing the moral/religious card when it comes to policy making.  I consider myself a religious person.  I do.  But right now I care less about what any politicians religious leanings are and more about who will be a strong leader who can get the economy moving again.  I also care about healthcare reform, education reform, and wishing corporations could not pump money into someone's campaign coffers.  Also, all the fear mongering.  We are far from being communists or nazis.  And to me, socialism is not a four letter word and raising taxes does not get my blood pressure up if it means a better quality of life for all of us.  That's all.  I've been stewing about these things.  Now I can get back to the fascinating work of scrubbing dishes and folding laundry.  Election years, they really get me worked up.

Zumba!  I recently sampled some latin flavor ala Beto and his hip/shoulder/pelvis shimmying.  Ay, ay, ay I like it!  I admit a lot of moves are still rather perplexing to my WASPish hips (are hips supposed to move that way?  Oh my.  Shouldn't we be Irish toe dancing?)  I could do without Beto's Fedora.  Who exercises with a gentleman's hat on his head, like that?  Still, fun, fun, fun.

Mean girls in Kindergarten.  I know the advice is always to stay out of your kids social problems, especially if it's fleeting, but she's my baby and when someone is mean to her I want to ask the bully if their mother ever taught them any manners.  What makes you so much better than my baby as to deny her when she asks if she can play with you at recess?  Girls.  There was one funny incident.  Ava has a unique voice.  Not only does she struggle to pronounce certain sounds, but her voice is rather high and still little girlish.  She's told me a couple of classmates have told her her voice sounds "funny", and she said she just says, "yeah it is." and continues on.  I'll let her handle it in whatever way she is comfortable, but I let her know that her voice is her own and that there is nothing wrong with it.  Anyway, we were in a furniture store last week and a couple of little girls were there and started playing with Ava.  She told me a couple days later that one of the little girls told her her voice sounded like a hamster!  I had to contain the giggles bubbling up inside of me over that one.  I can only assume that they meant like a chipmunk?  I don't know.  She didn't seem too traumatized over it.  I told her that people told me I had a funny voice growing up too...due to my inability to pronounce my R's correctly.  It's still hard for me to say words like girl and well, hard.  Anything with an emphasized R in it.  One time a cute boy ask me if I had an accent, and this was well past third grade when I "graduated" from speech class.

People hurting people they love.  People hurting people, period, but especially parents hurting their kids.  I don't understand it.  It hurts my heart.  I try to tell myself that people are usually only as good as they know how to be.  Most abusive people have been abused themselves.  Not that this gives them a pass to continue the cycle, but I always try to search for answers in cases of the unconscionable.  I know parenthood can be frustrating, but it is never ever right to hurt your kids.

The guys on Sports Center still talking about Tebow.  My goodness, do we have to keep debating if he qualifies as a starting quarterback into spring training?  Shouldn't we be talking about basketball and baseball?  It's    so       old.  Stop it.

My husband losing weight without trying.  Could I just have your metabolism for a day?  I'm going to start sneaking Crisco into his food if he doesn't knock it off.  I'll talk about my weight loss journey tomorrow.  Oh joy.


kathy said...

You could not be more me if you tried. Which you wouldn't, because who would want to be me? The point is, I'm in total agreement with every word, right down to the skinny husband resentment. I've been walking 4 miles per day, uphill, 5 days a week for 2 months now. Not one single pound has left my ass. The husband switched from white bread to wheat bread around the same time. He's down 15. I may have to try your Crisco idea.

Melissa said...
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Jill said...

oh men and their weight loss. grrr. I HATE sportscenter. with a passion. hate. I'm so glad Ava can handle what they say to her. She's such a sweet girl. Dallin still can't say RRRR either. maybe one day they will. I get what you are talking about with the whole religous thing but I do think it's important to have a leader that believes in God because this country needs someone who can recieve inspiration to helps out of this rut.