Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Weight Loss Wednesday

I didn't lose any weight this week.  I've had a bit of a rough week.  I won't go into detail, just the general ups and downs of life.

One very positive experience I had on Monday was that we were playing Just Dance and I had on a pair of yoga pants I had bought from Old Navy after I had Brielle because I couldn't fit into my jeans at the time.  So I started dancing and my pants kept falling down!  Mind you they were tight on my tummy as recently as a couple of months ago.  Ava kept laughing and I had to eventually pause the game and put on some tighter pants that would stay up. 

I went for a long walk by myself this morning.  Brig has Wednesdays off so he stayed with the girls.  Both girls cried when I left, and Ava begged me to take her with me.  I held my ground, but it was difficult.  I needed that time to walk at my own pace and listen to some music and enjoy the old houses and their perfectly landscaped yards, tiny though they may be. 

Alone time is important for me, but try telling that to your kids.  Ava reacts by proclaiming that I don't love her.  It's frustrating, because I feel as if I'm hard enough on myself as it is when it comes to motherhood.  Brielle is super attached to me, which I usually don't have a problem with, except when I just want to go out and watch a movie by myself or peruse TJ Maxx without my little screamer in the cart. 

Anyway, rambling.  I know I am fortunate to have my girls and to be their mother.  Even when they manipulate me and guilt trip me when I want to work out without them.  Back in the saddle the next week.  Who's with me?!


Melissa said...

There are few things I long for more than some alone time. It doesn't make you a bad mom to want it, and definitely makes you a better mom if you can get it regularly. I feel your pain on the bad week. Mine was two weeks ago. I gained 2 lbs that week. Luckily I pulled it together enough to lose 3 this week. 14 left to go. Although I think inches are far more important than lbs. love you. Next week will be better.

Jill said...

I think alone time is the one thing all moms are wishing for. That's why I love showering so much, I'm alone!
That is awesome your pants were falling off! good job! Good luck next week, can't wait to hear you lost 4 pounds!