Friday, April 17, 2009

On watching Twilight...

I admit to being swept away in the story of Twilight. The books were good. Not great, but good. The movie....not so much. I've seen the movie twice in theaters and now I got it through Netflix to watch with Brig. He wanted to see what all the fuss is about. Usually when I'm reading a book I really like and am shirking my responsibilities to finish it he never inquires about what I'm reading. But then he heard me discussing it with my friends and my neighbor and he heard about it so much he was baffled by it's popularity. This is how it went down a few seconds after the credits rolled...

Brig: "That has to be the cheesiest movie I've ever seen."
Denise: "Yes, it is kind of cheesy, but you can see the appeal right?"
Brig: "Not really. I still don't get it."
Denise: "Every woman wants a hero to save her, and every woman at one time or another has felt the pull of the bad boy. Edward is both. They're like Adam and Eve except for Bella the forbidden fruit is loving a vampire and for Edward it's loving a mortal."
After mulling that over for a while Brig: "I still don't get it, but the soundtrack is good."

Whatever. I guess he'll never understand the appeal of the story. That's fine. He's more of an action movie type of guy anyway. I guess I'll never understand how he's seen "Gone in Sixty Seconds" numerous times but when we're at home on a Saturday night and it's playing on TNT he has to watch it again. BAH!


Jill said...

i agree the movie is cheesy. but i still can't get the books out of my head. hope the second one is better.
men = not romantic.

Denise said...

Does anyone else think Edward looks freaky in this picture? Did they expand his forehead? What is it?

Candi Merritt said...

I totally understand the annoyance with Brig watching "Gone in Sixty Seconds". Brandon and I never agree on movies. I like intense movies that are full of plot twists and leave you guessing on what the next plot twist will be. I like movies that make me think. Whenever I bring one of these movies home, Brandon can't even follow the story! He likes silly, easy to get movies. Silly movies are okay, just not all of the time.

Megan and Jon said...

Had I not read the books I would not get it either. That is what makes it good. I was a bit disappointed with the movie.

SO now he has to read the books. Mandys husband is and loves them. Jon however won't even touch them, he worries he will get cooties.

Melissa said...

AH, Gone is Sixty Seconds is waaaaay better than twilight! Kudos to brig, i couldn't pay josh enough money to get him to watch twilight... i would probably watch it again for a cool mill!

Katie and Co. said...

I guess I should consider myself lucky that my hubby enjoyed watching the movie with me, and wanted to watch it 2 nights in a row! (Shh, don't tell!) I love intense love stories, and so does he. I think we Mormon girls especially love the "forbidden fruit" because it's reminiscent of the fiery days before we got married. ;-)

Ericka said...

I didn't read the you already know, and still thought the movie was good, I mean I own a copy for heavens sake. I could do without the whole spidermonkey tree climbing scenes, however. Darren watched it with me and didn't say too much about it, but I think he secretly liked it...esp. the baseball game-go figure!