Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Gloopy, Gloppy, Glumpy

If you're like me, you wake up and the first thing to pop into your mind is something yummy to eat. Oh, that's not the first thing you think about in the morning? Maybe that's why I have a few dozen extra pounds on me and you don't. But here's the deal, I've never loved breakfast food, so the food I would fantasize about was lunch food. I'd think of turkey sandwiches and a slice of pizza. Then I'd skip breakfast and wait until lunch to indulge. It doesn't take a genius to know that skipping breakfast is a bad idea, especially if you have a hard time with self-control. I'm not ingnorant I just haven't cared.

The attitude I've had for the past ten years has been, if it tastes good, I'm eating it. It's a juvenile attitude to take because it means I don't care what is going into my body and I don't care what it's doing to my body. I look at other women around my age and they are all in pretty decent shape. They care. So for the past few weeks I've been contemplating why I haven't cared enough about myself to treat my body right? Obviously I have some emotional baggage and it's contributed to the spare tire around my waist and the saddle bags on my thighs. I'm not getting into that. You people don't get compensated enough to read about my emotional issues.

But I came on here today to declare that I despise Oatmeal!!!!!! I had a heart to heart with a friend of mine and I am trying the Eat clean approach. Eating whole foods. Very limited processed foods. The diet isn't a diet at all. It's the way someone eats when they care how their body will operate in 20,30,40 years from now. I will say that eating this way makes me feel better. Yes the first couple of days almost broke me with the 0 refined sugars and I think Ava got the creeps as I stared her down salivating as she sat eating Cadbury mini eggs. Back to my contempt for the innocent looking oatmeal.

What does a person eat for breakfast who doesn't like breakfast foods? Bring on the oatmeal. No boxed cereal is allowed, which is fine with me, I've never loved the stuff. What is with Oatmeal? It's gooey and bland and quite frankly the texture gives me the heebee jeebees. I put honey and cinnamon in it, but to no avail. Ava ate half my bowl this morning and I couldn't detect any yucky faces but I kept wrinkleling my nose as she took mouthfuls. It's like the time I ordered a salad and discovered she loved lettuce. How nice is it that my child likes healthy food without being prodded? Her mother...not so much. She obviously takes after her father, the bean pole. Oh excuse me the P90X graduate not as bean polish anymore. Wish me luck with the oatmeal. I'm going to need it. It's like my mortal enemy taunting me with it's boring color and frog eyed texture.


Melissa said...

can you eat egg whites for breakfast. I do that, but I do sneak a little maple syrup on them... i feel the same about oatmeal josh loves it so i keep trying it and i mush it around in my mouth over and over and then i can't swallow!!

Melissa said...

oh and good luck. keep me posted

The Huffakers said...

funny post. I have been eating a banana and an orange with water in the morning and I am feeling better than I have in years. No joke. I dont like breakfast either and have been forcing myself just to eat the fruit. I'm not hungry til the afternoon and I have so much more energy. I am even curbing snacks all because of changing my breakfast.

Anyway more than you wanted to know about my breakfast. Responding to your question about work, no jobs yet. Ty is graduating on April 8 and I am so proud of him. Right now I don't care where he gets a job just as long as we get one.

When do we get to see the before and after of Brig P90X dude? I always get sucked into that commercial. Did it work?

s&hmills said...

I am with you on that! The only thing more horrible is cream of wheat. Now that is wrong-- just wrong!

Jill said...

ya know my kids both eat oatmeal every single morning. they love all the flavors and eat is fast. When it's cooking the in microwave I always think how good it smells and wonder if today I will eat some. I know it's soooo healthy and maybe one day I will eat some but for now I shall stick to my raisin nut bran.
oh and I my mom used to make a pan of oatmeal once a week and it was not my favorite.

Megan and Jon said...

Have you tried the simply harvest oatmeal? Is pretty good.