Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Shoulder Pads...Really?

It would seem that a few modern day designers have reached way, way back into history's fashion closet and pulled out a heavily shoulder padded jacket. What in the world? Those of you who keep up on fashion probably already know that the look on the runways is taking a jump back in time to when neon and acid wash was cutting edge and chic. Don't believe me? Read this http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/09104/962576-314.stm . I know it's hard to tell if the model above is wearing shoulder pads or is just so emaciated that her shoulder bones are poking out of the jacket. Even the wide leg jeans can't disguise the fact her legs are tooth picks. Order the big salad next time, with full fat dressing!

For me this is good new bad news. The bad news is women are once again under the false pretension that having extra wide shoulders making your waist look smaller is genius even if it does look ridiculous. The good news is maybe we're creeping ever closer to breaking the world's unofficial embargo on curly haired mavens such as myself. Sure sleek and straight has been modern and sophisticated looking for the past 20 years, but give a girl a break, herald in the era of big curly hair! I was born too late to have enjoyed the popularity of the perm. I'll even set my hair straightener on the alter of the Trend Gods as a sacrifice. "Curly Rules and Straight Drools! Puff is the stuff! Straight is just fluff!" Chant with me now.


Melissa said...

you crack me up, and I so do not drool... except every once in a while if i am laughing or can't take a break from talking, some drool will sneak out... its weird!

Katie and Co. said...

I have often felt that I was born in the wrong era as well. I've got the deep waves that would have rocked in the 20's with the flapper girls. I can make my hair huge without even trying. I totally feel your pain! I just tell myself that all the princesses in medieval movies have long, curly hair so if I grow mine long I'll be like a princess. Sometimes I even believe it.

MiKell said...

I'm totally with ya girl. We both are bringin curly back into style. I love your chant!!