Wednesday, April 15, 2009

That takes some nuggets!

I was driving around my local community (I fondly refer to it as the armpit of Utah) when I drove past this vehicle. I passed it too quickly but in my mind I thought, "Did that just say the Ass family? Please tell me it's a joke and that some poor family doesn't really carry around that burden of a last name." I was on the road at this point but I did a u-turn and drove back into the parking lot. I pulled up behind the car and commenced to laugh until my sides hurt. I had my camera in my purse and thanked frog I had it on me. If you can't read the caption beneath the figures they are as follows: Smart, Wise, Lazy and Kiss.

Maybe this town does have some merit. It gets points for a family that is creative and snarky. My husband and I are in a never ending battle of who grew up in the worst place. Every time the sleepy community of Clarkston comes into view my husband sighs and says something akin to, "We've entered the gates of Mordor and there is Mount Doom." I in turn make all sorts of comments about the "loose" women of his hometown and their horrendously high and ratty hairstyles. Brig says I have a superiority complex about Cache Valley, but really can Box Elder County compete? Heck No! I will continue to look down my snooty nose at all things Box Elder. And that's just the way it is.


kathy said...

I have to agree - Cache County IS better than Box Elder County in every way, and you have every right to be smug about that. Jeremy just finished his house in Corinne and is moving in this week. To know that my granddaughters are going to be of the Box Elder ilk turns my stomach.

Megan and Jon said...

I have been reading alot latley just to busy to comment. I loved this snarky little thing though.
I'm glad you and Brig have the same debates as Jon and I. Even though Jon has some pretty good points on Clarkston. At our wedding reception the Balls goat was across the street chained to a car, and was standing on the hood.. Pretty hard to argue that.. BUT I TRY..

Jill said...

that is the funniest thing ever! I have always thought those stickers were cheesy so I'm glad to see someone making fun of them!

Melissa said...

Megan its a shame i missed your wedding! :) I over heard a "conversation" on facebook the other of some lady from BR making fun of a womans hair from Richmond... I was like back up the bad hair train!!! Seriously! And then there is the infamous Walmart incident!

Jill said...

oh heck, that's soo funny the goat was on a car!!!! Hello!

Denise said...

Why am I not surprised about the goat incident?! LOL!

Ericka said...

Okay, I am seriously laughing out loud! I am so glad you posted this with the accompanying photo! Too funny!

Sara said...

Is that why you judge me Denise?!? Because I'm from BE?! My hair is not THAT big.....