Wednesday, May 20, 2009

2 1/2 years later...Ava Photos

The last time I got Ava's pictures taken she was 1 year old. I know. How neglectful of me. So we headed up Logan Canyon and took many pictures. She is going through an unnatural smile phase, but it can't be helped. We had a fun day and I wished we could have stayed all day in the canyon, it was beautiful. Unfortunately we waded a bit and we had to take off Ava's pants they got so wet and we let them dry out the window as we drove home. I just dealt with my wet pants. It's not the first time and it won't be the last, I'm sure!

Aww, their is her natural smile. She was laughing her head off because her hair was blowing in her face.


Sarah said...

Denise, She is so stinkin' cute! I think her smile is so cute! Her hair is so pretty. I just can't believe how big she is. It's crazy how fast time goes. :)

kathy said...

Wow! Gorgeous eyes!

Jill said...

her hair is so pretty. My fav is the laughing one on the bridge you should frame that one for sure!

s&hmills said...

She is such a cutie-- just like her Mom. I think the "unnatural" smile is still cute as a button!

Ericka said...

She is so cute! I love her hair too! And everything looks so green too! Gorgeous!

Sara said...

She is a beauty Denise! Just like her momma!!