Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Brig Self-Smarted Himself

Can you believe the man on the far right just got a new liver in March? Lookin Good David!
The Smith Family

Ava and her daddy. I have no idea where her real smile went to.

This face said to me Hurry up and take the picture, people are staring.

He's a Chemist, and he wants to shake your hand.

Well not really. I would assume self-smarting would be a lot less expensive than college. On Saturday Brig officially graduated from USU! WOOOOO-HOOOOOOO! (Imagine fireworks exploding here and We Are The Champions blaring from a loud speaker). It's been a very long road and I'm happy to be able to dust the dirt off of us and move forward.

Brig had asked me last Monday if I had pressed his graduation gown yet. I snarkily replied I didn't think it would take me a whole week to get it accomplished. Well, on Friday as I finally whipped out the ironing board and got down to business my confidence faded as it took nearly 1 hour to get all the wrinkles out. I must admit for a period of ten to twenty minutes I was ironing with all my might on one section before I realized the iron had come unplugged, I felt a bit sheepish. Baaaa!

Ava said as Brig walked past us in procession to take his seat for the commencement ceremony, "I want to be just like Daddy when I grow up." From her lips to God's ears. I hope one day to see her in a cap and gown, graduating from a university. I never finished, but I hope to in the coming years.

Brig majored in Chemistry with an emphasis in Life Sciences. I'm extremely proud of him for finishing. It would have been easy to give up but he didn't.


Melissa said...

YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats.

kathy said...

I remember the feeling well! What's next?

And thanks for voting for Josh's band! Don't know if they'll make it, but it worth a shot!

Becca said...

What a accomplishment! I know how hard school is once you have a family, financial, and church reponsibilities....It makes the finish line that much sweeter!

Jill said...

Wahoo, the tassel was worth the hassle! I'm so happy for the both of you. Brig looks so nice I love how his tie matches the tassel. Congrats Brig!
I had a hard time ironing matt's gown too and my iron didn't come unplugged.grrrr.

Denise said...

What's next...looking for jobs in the Salt Lake area, it seems Brig wants his masters and it is offered at the U. Unless some huge hand of fate intervenes then those are the plans.

Ericka said...

Congrats to both of you! Masters? Salt Lake? What happened to beautiful downtown Burley?! We had so much fun seeing/celebrating with you guys and can't wait to see you again in a couple weeks!

(Cam was quite ticked off that Ava was not at Grandma Debbies after Darcies lunch)

Candi Merritt said...
