Friday, June 5, 2009

Ava Funnies

Ava and her cousin Cam
I love the age Ava is at right now. I love the things she says and how bright her personality shines. I've also become aware of how receptive she is. She picks up on things that before now I wouldn't have thought she could. And some of the things she says just crack me up. Here are a few things she's said recently (you're all in suspense, right? I thought so):
If you weren't aware there was an earthquake on Wednesday here close to Tremonton. It wasn't anything major, but Ava and I were in the kitchen getting her a drink when the house kind of jolted. Before I figured out what it was, it was over. It felt like a car had crashed into the house or something but I realized it had to be an earthquake seconds after it was over. I took Ava and stood in a doorway just to be safe and paranoid. I said, "That was an earthquake, Ava." She looked serious and said kind of eerily, "It came from the sky," and pointed to the heavens. I laughed and laughed.
She was running around outside with her Daddy and Nana one evening. I was downstairs watching t.v. when I heard the door open and little foot falls coming down the stairs. She came towards me with a sheepish smile, dripping wet and shivering. She'd been taking advantage of the sprinkler system. I immediately exclaimed, "WHAT IN THE WORLD?!" and she said, "Simmer down, Mom, simmer down!" and made this funny motion with her hands. I burst out laughing and any thought of chastizing her was out the window. She said, "Daddy told me to say that." Which made me laugh harder. Those two know exactly how to manipulate me.
This one breaks my heart. I was trying to sneak out the door to run to the grocery store by myself while I thought she was distracted with her Dad downstairs. Just as I opened the door to leave she comes up the stairs and yells, "Don't leave me mom!" I said that I'd be back in a second and that she'd have fun with Dad. She then says, "I can't go on without you, mom." Right, leaving her after she said something like that was out the window. I mean, where does she hear things like that?
I'm a big sweets fan. I had bought Brig a large chocolate chip cookie. He thanked me and then set the cookie on top of his dresser where all his sweets go to linger for weeks while he gets around to eating them. I do not understand this! If you have something yummy to eat, you eat it. I mean I'm sure I'm more piggish than most, but who lets good candy just sit around? I was craving some choloclate a few days later and I was in a bad way. While Brig was upstairs talking to his brother I snuck downstairs and was opening the cookie wrapper and as I was about to break off a piece Ava says loudly, "Mom what are you doing?" I said, "Just sneaking a piece of cookie but we better ask daddy first." She then gets a very mischievious look in her eyes and whispers, "He will never know." WHAT?!!!! Apparently I am a bad example to her. I was alarmed and told her it wasn't right to sneak someone else's food. Talk about do as I say, not as I do!


Sarah said...

Kids say some funny things. I can only imagine what my little one will say when she is able to talk. She already has a little attitude!

Jill said...

ha ha you stood in the doorway!!! you are soo silly. my fav is what brig told her to say.

Ericka said...

"he will never know"..what a smart little girl! She is so cute and I love visualizing her saying all those things! What the earthquake...really?