Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A Two Click Kind of Gal

The mystery was solved Sunday morning by my husband. The mystery as to where our errant hundreds of dollars are going each year. Brig was in the bathroom doing his weekly shave (I love his smooth face but he only treats me to it on the sabbath) and I was about to dress myself after getting out of the shower. I reach for my Secret Clinical deoderant, which I highly recommend. I've never had a serious sweat problem but anything that is going to help me sweat less is a good thing. The price tag is admittedly a bit steep. Here's how things went down from there.

Denise: "I'm out of ideas for sacrement meeting. Nothing keeps Ava's attention anymore." click. click. I apply the deoderant to my armpits.

Brig: "Did you just click that twice?"

Denise: "Yeah, so?"

Brig: "You only need one click. You're two click habit is breaking us. That's expensive, Babe."

Denise: "Oh please. If I used one click it wouldn't be enough. See..." To demonstrate how little actual comes up with one click I try it. A larger amount than expected comes up. I look a bit sheepish and smile my best appeasing smile in Brig's general direction.

Brig: "When will you start listening to me? I told you so." Brig chuckles to himself. (I secretly believe part of the reason he married me was because he found me so amusing.)

Denise: "I grovel at your feet, oh wise one!" Just kidding, I didn't say that last bit. If I ever said that last bit you can bet it would be in an extremely sarcastic manner.

Moral of the story: One click does indeed appear to be enough and sometimes my husband is right. Sometimes.


Jill said...

we only can admit that they are right sometimes. only sometimes.
and good luck with sacrement.

Dawn and Chase said...

I'm a two clicker too!

Melissa said...

if you really want to save money i would highly suggest not buying deodorant at all! :)

The Barth Family said...

that is hilarious! I hate it when husbands are right. It drives me crazy!