Monday, June 15, 2009

Enjoy, Be True!

I finished reading "A Three Dog Life" by Abigail Thomas this morning. It was a short read at 182 pages with fairly large print. Abigail writes honestly and with very little self-pity about her husband's accident that left him permanently brain damaged. The memoir flows along like a stream winding through a landscape. The love she has for her husband is tangible and although the person he is now is so utterly different than the man she married they still find a way to connect with one another.

About a third of a way through the book I discovered a torn electric blue piece of a sticky note with the words "Enjoy, Be True!" scrawled on it. It made me smile to know that the previous library patron thought to leave a scrap of inspiration behind. I love little suprises like this. My dad is notorious for leaving me voice messages that are funny. On Saturday he left me a message which mostly consisted of Abba's "Super Trouper" chorus. It made me cry. I'm funny like that. I love my Dad. Anyway, I've decided I am going to start leaving little messages like this in the books I have loved. Here is one of my favorite passages of the book:

I was on a small island once, in the middle of a great big lake, mountains all over the place, and as I watched the floating dock the wind kicked up, the waves rose from nowhere, and I imagined myself lying there and the dock suddenly breaking loose, carried away by the storm. I wondered if I could lie still and enjoy the sensation of rocking, after all I wouldn't be dead yet, I wouldn't be drowning, just carried off somewhere that wasn't part of my plan. The very thought of it gave me the shivers. Still, how great to be enjoying the ride, however uncertain the outcome. I'd like that. It's what we're all doing anyway, we just don't know it.

- "A Three Dog Life" pgs 169-170.


Jill said...

I love the little note in the book. that reminds me of lisa. she always used to write little notes for me to find at a later time. fun. at least your dad calls you, that's good. mine. . .

Chan said...

I love your really should write your own book. I am gonna put this on my summer reading always thanks for the smile.

Ericka said...

I have suddenly been reading like crazy lately...I know weird for me, and to top it off it's summer. I will have to check this one out if they have it at our library. Loved reading this post!

The Barth Family said...

Sounds like a good book! Something I would like to read. And I agree, you are a good writer. You need to write something of your own!