Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Knee Deep in Tissues

Which can only mean one dreadful thing...I have a cold. A cold in the summer time? It flies in the face of cold logic. And I always, and I mean always have my worst colds in the summer, when it's hot and dry outside and my daughter wants me to run around in the backyard with her and I just feel like making myself a Nyquil cocktail and nursing on it until I pass out in a deck chair. Unfortunately I can't do that because I'm a semi-responsible mother who doesn't wish to neglect my child.

This morning in the wee small hours while I was hacking up a lung on the couch (I was trying to be considerate of my husband's beauty sleep) I remembered I had recorded "You've Got Mail" some time ago and well it just felt right to finally watch it. Again. I mean I've watched that movie like 693 times since it's conception. And it never gets old. Every perfectly written witty line of that movie makes me happy.

Meg Ryan before bad plastic surgery, and Tom Hanks before he started to show his age. Anyway, I watched the scene where Tom goes to visit Meg after he's run her shop out of business and she has a cold and he brings her daisies. How sweet is that? At that moment I wished that I had my own wealthy enemy man who deep down adored everything about me and who I had undeniable chemistry with who would just show up at my door and tuck me into bed and carry on random banter as he put the flowers he bought me in a vase.

It was a nice fantasy for the time that it lasted, but what I'd really like is someone I trust to come and take Ava off of my hands for a few days so I can sleep and linger in my cold drug induced state while I watch romantic comedies. Oh and maybe someone else to come and keep the house up and fold my laundry and make dinner for my family and go on a Coke run for me. Is that too much to ask?


Dawn and Chase said...

Oh I am sorry you have a cold. That stinks! Get better!

kathy said...

I'd take her, but I already have my son's two boys while he and his wife await test results to see if they have swine flu. Ain't life FUN?

kathy said...

Yeah, swine flu. It's my middle son, Jason, and his wife. Her mom has been officially diagnosed with it, and they got sick as dogs so ended up in the hospital and have been tested, but don't have the results back yet. The doctor prescribed Tamiflu for both of them, just in case, which is good because it sounds like the people who have died didn't get it because their doctors weren't SURE they had swine flu. I'd rather take it and not need it, than not get it and die! Anyway, they are home and doing better. Still don't have the test results, but either way, they will be okay. I doubt you need to be tested unless it gets to the point where you are feeling like you are seriously about to die. In the meantime, hang in there!

Jill said...

NO it's not and if I lived just a little closer I would do everything on that list.
I too want someone to bring me daisies. why can't men do that when we are sick? not so hard. or even bring a coke home, but no instead they come home and say what's for dinner. ya, ya.
second I just want to say I didn't want to brawl. I know people (lots) like ultimate fighting. I didn't want to brawl and fredricos either. after I typed that comment I was laying in bed and was like I shouldn't be such a party pooper and type that, I will delete my comment tomorrow. And as you can see I never did and people thought I wanted to brawl.
I LOVE YOU'VE GOT MAIL. i know you know. :)

Melissa said...

isnt that what a husband is for...?? if not what in the world did we marry them for??

Denise said...

MONEY!!!! It's all about the benjamins baby...hee hee. Oh just kidding. *Ducks head and starts whistling*