Thursday, January 5, 2012

Bree Oddities

My second born is a funny girl.  She recently started hugging a lot.  Not just people, either.  One day while I was doing my hair in the bathroom I peeked out into the hall to see her flush against the wall, arms outstretched making a kissing noise.  She regularly hugs the couch and Ava's Disney Princess chair.  This morning she was carrying around a copy of X-Men First Class DVD, hugging it to her chest and saying "Mmmmm-mmmm," the noise she makes when she is being affectionate.  I'd like to think she's just a very affectionate little girl.  The sweetest thing is when Ava cries, which is often lately (girls are so moody), she will make a bee-line for Ava and hug her and pat her head.  Of course the claws do come out occasionally...she is a notorious hair puller and I'm constantly amazed that sibling rivalry is born so early in one's life. 

Another funny thing she does is pull Ava's underwear out of her top drawer and carry it around with her.  She has a specific preference for panties.  Sometimes she attempts to put them on her head.  I always wonder, why the panties?  Why not leggings, or socks? 

She's always been much more vocal than Ava ever was.  I don't know if this is due to the fact that I could never get her to take a pacifier and so it left her mouth free to grunt and growl and yell.  She really loves dogs.  Whenever we see one she makes the panting noise.  Recently she's started yelling at them.  At the park yesterday it was like a doggy bonanza and Brielle was spellbound.  She kept yelling and yelling. 

One of the fun things about being a mom is watching the personalities develop in your children.  This little girl has a big one.  I love her very much, even if she does keep waking me up at 2 a.m.  It's like Stockholm Syndrome.  She's tortured me with greatly reduced sleep for over a year now and yet she makes my heart sing when she smiles at me.  Love my baby girl.


Becca said...

She is your twin! So beautiful...Cannot wait to see you next week. It has been WAY to long.

Jill said...

she is so fun! i love that she hugs odd things! so sweet. i can't wait to see her and kiss on her!