Tuesday, March 10, 2009

It's Twins!!!!

Call it spring cleaning (although winter's reared it's ugly head once again), call it feng shui, but I had a nagging need to get rid of a bunch of stuff in my bedroom and perhaps rearrange furniture. If you're like me your bedroom is the last room to get cleaned because the only people who usually see it is me and my husband.

Like I said I was tossing away homework from 2003 and boxing up movies I never watch when I came across Ava's original Baby Nina. She's a baby Sleeping Beauty doll my mom and dad gave to Ava on her first birthday. It's been very well loved and it shows. That's why this Christmas I perused my options to replace Baby Nina. On Amazon I could purchase her for a bargain $60. Right. Santa's not that wealthy. I finally found one a few weeks before Christmas on ebay for $12. Much better. Although I felt sorry for the seller because she could have started her bidding much higher. Oh well. So I bought it and all I had to do was to pry Baby Nina away from Ava. Not easy, as she sleeps with her and practically clings to her for most of the day. I convinced her to leave her under the tree for Santa so he could work his cleaning magic on her. There were a few tears but my plan fell into place and all was well when Ava discovered Baby Nina sitting pristinely underneath the Christmas tree the following morning.

Why did I keep the old dirty rag of a doll that both Brig and I were embarrassed to be seen with? Part of it was just in case Ava wised up. But part of it was honest sentimentality. It gets harder and harder to watch Ava grow up. So I kept Baby Nina # 1 in a box behind the entertainment center. Well as I was cleaning I pulled her out and was reminded of what a disease ridden pitiful little doll she really was and tossed her in the garbage sack. When I'm in that cleaning zone I'm likely to throw away wedding photos. I'm not sentimental when I'm cleaning. As luck would have it Ava woke up in the middle of my cleaning frenzy and came walking into the room and I realized just as she turned and clamped eyes on her lost doll sitting atop the garbage heap what I had done. First of all her eyes filled with tears as she turned to me and asked why Baby Nina was in the garbage. Then a slow dawning came upon her features as she ran back to her bed and grabbed Baby Nina number 2. Honestly, you could have played "Reunited and it feels so good..." to the scene that played out. Ava was jumping up and down and hugging both dolls to her and screaming, "Two Baby Ninas!"

That's right. Now we won't be keeping track of just one dishevelled dread-locked doll, but two. "Twins," she said, "just like Aunt Holly has in her belly!" Yes, my dear. Twins. I give up!

One of these things is not like the other! Baby Nina #1 is on the left. She's filthy, but Baby Nina #2 is not far behind, I'm afraid. Why don't I throw her in the washer? You're not the first to ask. She has a non detachable battery pack in her back because when you squeeze her her little flower lights up. Heaven help us!

The proud Mama.


Dawn and Chase said...

Oh the poor girl looks so happy! She should have had two all along. She is the cutest ever with her babies. The aunt Holly thing was so funny, I wish I would have been there.

Becca said...

How funny, I remember her having her "clean" baby with her when her and my Emmie met at the wedding.
What a awesome day, two babies! It doesn't get any better than that.

Becca said...

-I have to tell you when I saw
It's Twins-as the title of your post, I thought that little dog didn't even tell me she was pregnant!

Candi Merritt said...

I remember pulling my precious baby doll out of the garbage when I was little. My mom kept trying to throw poor Jessica Annabell away! Don't worry....I saved her and still have her to this day!

The Huffakers said...

Oh my! Ava is gettiing so big. She is as adorable as ever.
Cute post but I was kind of hoping you were pregnant with twins.
(I hear twins are some of the coolest people)

Melissa said...

this made me laugh so hard! haha. rotten little baby nina (#1, of course). maybe you could just spray her down with lysol so no disease are contracted! love you, need to see you soon!

Megan and Jon said...

Hysterical, We have this trouble with a dog named diddles, A green dog none the less, when we replace him then we haul even more of them around. NINA #1 and Nine #2. What a sweetie that she could care less if they are dirty or not, Just happy to have them..

Jill said...

oh darn not another baby nina. so what ever happened to the one we bought at family dollar? did you take it back? maybe you should pull that one out and she could have 3!