Tuesday, March 3, 2009

These shoes may be hazardous to your mental health!

Embarrassing Story #138

Age: 18
Location: Clarkston Church House

It was a warm spring Sunday. The final hymn had been sung on a fast Sunday and you know what that means. It means you bolt for the exits with mom's Sunday roast and funeral potatoes on your mind while your stomach growls like a chained dog. I congratulated myself on manuevering around Mrs. slow walker and her chatty husband. My little sister was not far behind. I clomped out of that chapel at break neck speed. My shoe of choice for the service that Sunday? Why these lovely platform flip-flops pictured above. Looking back now my bad fashion karma was just coming back to bite me in the butt. This all could have been avoided if I had listened to my mother and worn those low conventional heels that sat gathering dust in my closet. The trouble arose as I began galloping down the dramatic wide staircase that is characteristic of old church houses. I remember feeling a vague sense of foreboding. A thought that maybe my platformed feet were getting away from the rest of me. Then it went into that slow motion time frame when you have a million thoughts buzzing around in your head while you slowly watch your body cartwheel out of control. The foremost thought being, "WHAT COLOR UNDERWEAR AM I WEARING?" I'm not exactly sure how it happened but I remember an ankle twisting here and then a leg jutting out there. A brutal carpet burn on my elbow and then rolling down the stairs like a hotdog. I slid on my bum like a child for the remaining stairs and somehow ended up at the bottom of the stairs on my back. Mayonnaise white legs askew and pale yellow skirt around my waist. I lay stunned for a few seconds and as I rolled my eyes back to glance up at the stairs I saw dozens of shoes coming down the stairs. I jumped to my feet as my sister came towards me asking me if I was okay. I was the color of a red ripe tomato and I mumbled, "Yeah." To her credit she had the decency not to laugh. I intentionally ingnored other congregation members thoughtful inquiries as to my sense of well being. I began limping out the door as diginified as one possibly can when one has flashed one's purple fruit of the looms to a good portion of your local religious neigbors when I heard my name called. I gritted my teeth and turned around. There was Miguel Gonzalez holding a black platform flip flop. I snatched it from his hand and trudged out of the building with one shoe on and one shoe dangling from my fingertips. It's ironic that my shoe savior was Miguel. He is the subject of embarrassing story #139, but I'll save that for another day.


kathy said...

That's a good one!

Dawn and Chase said...

I love this story. It is always a fun church embarrassing moment! Good times!

Kel said...

I read your note on Kathy's blog. Glad it helped!

I'm actually Kathy's cousin and have been her partner in crime since we could walk. And I might attend church if I could be guaranteed an interesting scene like the one in your post!

Jill said...

Oh that is so funny. I think I remember this story from years past but still so so funny. To make you feel better I was walking down those same darn stairs (I think they are so hazardas because the are narrow) while holding Allie and rolled my ankle. Kasey my cousin went to catch me and I recovered but as bad as your story was, it would have been much worse if you were holding a baby.
I can't wait to hear the other ebarrassing story.

Candi Merritt said...

Oh, Denise. You are my favorite!

Sara said...

Ha Ha Ha! Oh Denise! You are too funny! It's so nice to hear stories like that and realize that I'm not the only one that horribly embarrassing things happen to. Like the time I walked through church with the back of my dress tucked into my tights. Awkward!! P.S. I'm looking forward to #139!