Friday, March 27, 2009

Something Real

This is Kim Kardashian. She's basically famous for being someone like Paris Hilton. She's on a reality show on E! called "Keeping Up With the Kardashians". I've always thought she was a beautiful woman. I've always wanted straight shiny black hair and an olive complexion, but as genetic luck would have it I have medium brown curly hair and ghost pale skin and hey, that's okay.

A news story came out recently where a magazine did a photo shoot and accidentally put in a photo of her untouched. As you can see up above the untouched photo is the one on the left. I was happy to see this picture. I obviously know that all celebrities are photoshopped for magazine covers, but it's nice to see Kim is a real girl. I don't think she looks bad at all in her "real" photo. She's a curvy gal and along with curviness usually comes a few bumps and lumps. Why does the media feel the need to make things appear differently than they are?

I've been contemplating the world we live in and it struck me how few things are real now a days. The internet, video games, t.v. shows, while all entertaining they are so inconsequential while compared to things that truly matter. The other night after I cleaned up dinner my evening to do list was as follows: Check Facebook, Check Blogs, get caught up on The Biggest Loser, Get on the treadmill. My husband was watching basketball upstairs. I just walked in to tell him I was headed downstairs and he then did something he never does, he asked if I wanted to snuggle! I didn't marry Mr. Affecionate by any stretch of the imagination. For whatever reason he finds it difficult. It's always been something that has bothered me but something I've just dealt with. So you'd think when he offers to snuggle and talk I'd jump at the chance. But I admit my first thought was, but what about my to do list? I would have been a fool not to spend time with my husband and so I did and I was glad. Often times I think we are spending time together, but really he is on the computer and I am on the computer or he is watching t.v and I'm reading a book. That's not really together time when you aren't communicating.

Sometimes I just want something that is real. Nothing embellished. It's so hard to tell when so many blogs are like the fancy facade of a city building. You never really know what's going on inside of it even if the outside is beautiful and shiny. It's 11 am. My hair is in last night's ponytail. I have on no makeup and I'm wearing jeans and my husbands shirt from high school that says Bear River Basketball on the front and UNFINISHED BUSINESS! on the back. My daughter is sick and miserable and is currently laying on the floor with her old raggy blanket watching Go Diego Go! I have a bunch of laundry sitting dejectedly in laundry baskets at my feet waiting to be folded. Life isn't one big glamor shot. People should stop pretending like it is.

And that includes the folks at magazines. These celebrities are already beautiful, on the outside at least. Sadly in our society they wouldn't be famous if they weren't good looking, so why do they have to fabricate these images? Would it really be that horrible if the general public knew that not all celebrities have flawless bodies? Gripes.


Becca said...

I LOVE YOU! This reminded me of a continuation of our conversation the other night-And how easy it is to fall into this pretend trap- Here's to keepin it real Necie two shoes!
PS- I'm not even wearing a bra yet today- TMI?

-Becca Beatle

kathy said...

You got me beat! It's 11:40 and I'm still in my bathrobe with bedhead. My kitchen counters haven't been wiped for days, nor has the floor been swept. And furthermore, I don't care. A few years ago Jamie Lee Curtis (who was really hot in the 70's and 80's) did a real photo shoot in her underwear for a magazine, showing her unretouched, 50 year old body in all it's glory. It sagged. It bagged. And it looked great. She's my hero. And you are prettier than Kim Kardashian, and have 100 times the integrity. I'd pick you over her any day. And I'll bet your husband and daughter would, too!

Jill said...

yeah the real one isn't horrible. really lets be real! my kids had chicken nuggets for lunch and dinner today and I didn't realize it until after. I know I'm a good mom, oh and I took a nap while my kids watched Dora and I'm on the computer now. . . the list could go on.

Kel said...

I once saw Cyndi Crawford on "Oprah" without makeup, demonstrating what goes on before a cover shot is final. At the end, she said, "See, I don't even look like Cyndi Crawford when I get up in the morning." I loved it. I think one of the best parts about getting older (more in the age range of Kathy and I than you) is settling into total acceptance of who we are and being able to throw out the crap that is superficial. You rock!

Ericka said...

Amen Sister! I am so sick of the superficial crap out there and yes, I too let it get to me at times as well.

The Huffakers said...

Denise, you are so real! I love it. Honestly there are few blogs I like to look at because so often ones of friends make me feel like my life isn't as fun or exciting as theirs. I am also guilty of wanting worldly things over good things. Tyler always comes home and wants to talk and I so often just want to watch TV after Will is in bed and not talk. You are a good example of a good wife.