Monday, January 5, 2009

Another Good Book

The classic King Arthur story told from Guinevere's perspective "Queen of Camelot" is spectacular. It follows Guinivere from her upbringing as a Welsh princess to her glorious rise as Queen of Camelot. From her fierce rivalry with her cousin Elaine to her unrequited love with Lancelot the story is fresh as it explores the gray areas of love, fidelity and honor. There are no embarrassing love scenes which was a relief considering the love triangle. I can't recommend this book highly enough. Even better than "I Capture the Castle". Bravo to Nancy McKenzie.


Natelli Johnston said...

YOUR BACK!!!!!! OH HOW i HAVE MISSED YOU! so glad you liked Queen of Camelot! I will have to read that other one you mentioned.

D,H,&E Cooper said...

I need a good read. Do you own this book and can I borrow it. Thank you for returning to the blog world. I know I'll post more often knowing that when I get on your blog will be there to greet me and bring joy to my life. Love ya tons. Holly