Thursday, January 15, 2009

Totally Inappropriate and Totally Random Thoughts...

Do you ever find yourself thinking something inappropriate and you get all mortified because you just about blurted out what you were thinking? I think I must be nuts because this has been happening alot. It's usually when I'm talking to someone I'm kind of nervous around. I'm one of those people that hates awkward silences and I get all nervous and just start babbling about nothing to cover the silence. It's so obvious too. I can't even give you an examples because it would be inappropriate. I was talking to my mother-in-law tonight and I caught myself about to say something that fell into the inappropriate category! I shudder to think of what her reaction would have been.

For all you mothers out there I think you know and can agree that babies really do suck the smartness out of our brains. A couple of days ago I was trying a new recipe. Cheddar Chowder if you're curious. Anyway I was just about done adding ingredients and I thought the thickness of the chowder was lacking. So that's an easy fix right? Just add some...what was that white powder again? Hmm. I looked at the corn starch. I thought of flour. I settled on...baking powder?!? Well I felt like a real witch as I took a fist full and dropped it into the cauldron, I mean the pot and wow! It was like a fifth grade science project. The chowder was foaming and bubbling. My husband who is very helpful yelled in response, "You've ruined dinner!" Nice, Denise. Dinner was not ruined if you're wondering, but thinner than I would have liked.

Tonight I saw a shooting star, or else a really fast satellite. So I thought to myself, hurry up and make a wish! I've done this a few times growing up. Most of the time I wished for money or a certain toy or in recent years to be thinner. Tonight the first thought that crossed my mind was, "I wish for happiness." I was grateful that I no longer associated my own happiness with money, possessions, or the size of my waist. No one else, no thing can be responsible for my happiness or unhappiness. Not to get all self-help on you. It's taken me a long time to come to this conclusion. Hopefully this is a sign of maturity. Who knows though, sometimes it seems like just yesterday that my girlfriends and I ran amock in public and made fools of ourselves.


Megan and Jon said...

Denise, is it okay that I found your blog? I clicked on a Denise comment because i thought you had disappeared and refound you. I love reading your blog. It makes my day so I hope it is okay I'm stocking you again.

Now my favorite awkward conversation is when you assume they are going to say,How are you so you answer Good how are you, and it wasn't even what they asked.. NICE

Jill said...

awkward conversation, I think it happens to me a lot. in the same situations as you. like on matt & I's first date i told him how gross it was that Jo (name changed) didn't shower everyday and not even every other day and I said that he needed to wash his butt. too much info and too far. matt still tells people about that. thanks.

Melissa said...

Who were these friends that you use to make a fool of yourself with?! I know when we hung out we did productive things like learning new words (although made up words during Balderdash) and honed our gymnastic skills (or watched alexi nemov's honed skills, if ya know what I mean). I crap, I just realized I was probably one of the fools...

I am also guilty of blurting out stuff when I want to fill a silence hence the reason for josh admonishing me to work on my filter!