Monday, January 12, 2009

You know you've been feeding your child political propaganda when...

Just a quick post before I forget. A funny thing happened in church yesterday. I was showing Ava a picture of President Monson in her Friend magazine during sacrement. I asked her if she knew who that was. Her reply: President Obama. Uh-oh. She got the president part right! You know you've been praising Barack Obama to the sky (yes I lean towards democrat) when your three year old thinks he is the president of your church as well. I don't think I can see a resemblance anyway. This is an improvement over what she used to call Barack Obama...Bummy Obummy. I guess I will have to work with her on identifying our Prophet.


Jill said...

too funny. Ava always brings me a laugh, wonder where she gets it from!

Melissa said...

I still prefer Bummy O'bummy. Is it offensive or does she just think he's irish? I love it. Bummy OBummy, haha