Friday, January 30, 2009

Things That Make My Day

First off you have to know that we recently got Direct t.v. and have been watching t.v. as if our lives depended on it. So you'll have to understand my enthusiasm at having more than seven watchable channels. Without further ado, here are a few things that made my day today.

I watched an episode of House Hunters that was recorded last night and I swear while they were touring one of the houses they had the music from the song, "It's getting hot in here" by Nelly playing in the background. No words just the tune. Maybe I imagined it but it was bizarre enough to make me laugh out loud.

Bear Grylls as the dirty boy of Man vs. Wild. This show is entertaining in many, many ways. Yes I'm a sucker for the accent but this is no proper Brit. Most of the time I'm just thinking how crazy this guy is. He's awesome.
Brig sent me an email today that has the enclosed link . This is just a monstrosity of pork. Bacon wrapped in sausage wrapped in more bacon and smoked for a few hours. My husband hates fatty meat. So obviously bacon is not his favorite. I have to contribute this special request of his for the big game on Sunday to extra testosterone building up in his system in preparation for the Superbowl. Weird. And no, I will not be making this.

Something else that I just had to shake my head at and smile is after Brig got done doing his homework I handed over the remote. He perused his options and settled on...Battlestar Gallactica? Really? He's never watched this show before. I just kept thinking of this scene from Season Three of The Office. "Bears. Beets. Battlestar Gallactica."

I haven't posted any pics of Ava yet. Mostly I just wanted to keep that part of my life more private. But I have to say that I am the luckiest mother alive. It's so fun to see her personality develop. She's so caring and sweet. She told me she loved me like three times today. She often tells me I'm beautiful and it's always on days I need to hear it most. She's pretending a lot more and using her imagination. It's fascinating to watch her. And it reminds me to model appropriate behavior for her as she seems to pick up on eveything we do. We've been going through a rough patch that's probably lasted six months. But I finally feel like we're coming out of it. It was all power struggle, but now it doesn't feel like I'm threatening her with time outs all day and she's not pushing the limits all the time. I love her and am grateful every day that she came into my life.


Jill said...

I have not seen that episode of the office! What season is it? You know I love man vs wild and it's a shame I didn't see that house hunters it seems exciting. ;)

Jill said...

so you got the DVR? wahoo!

Katie and Co. said...

That episode of The Office is by far the funniest ever. I laughed soooo hard! Genius! Brilliant!

Oh, and Bear? Rarrr. It's gotta be the accent.

Candi Merritt said...

We really missed you on Saturday:(